Vegas Pt. 2

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As I stare out the window, the Palms Hotel and Casino comes into view. We pull around to the back, I sit up quickly as the van stops. After combing my fingers through my smooth hair, I adjust my cleavage and check my dress. "Do I look okay?" I ask, nervously reviewing myself as Marshall grips my hand. "Baby, you look amazing" he replies as Paul steps out with Ricky. "We've never been out like this before. Everyone is gonna see us" I state, and he furrows his brow. "So what" he replies as I watch Paul and Ricky speak with a man in a three-piece suit. "I wanna look good because people are gonna see you with me" I add. "What the hell are you worried about?" he asks then Nate leans back. "Yo, your chick doesn't know how hot she is" Nate exclaims, Marshall stretches forward and slaps the back of his head. "Watch it" he snaps. Nate leans away and rubs his head, "I didn't mean it like that" he groans as Marshall looks at me again. "People might wonder why you're with me when you can have anyone, I'm nobody" I continue and then he laughs loudly. "Stop that shit right now. Are you fuckin' with me?" he asks. "We're good to go" Ricky says as he sticks his head in the van door. Marshall grips my hand and steps out first, leading us behind Ricky. Proof walks beside us with Nate in tow as we are guided inside by the hotel manager. "Is there a reason we aren't going in the front?" I ask as we step into a massive service elevator. "I don't want the commotion of everyone knowing that we are here" Marshall explains. Leaning my back on the cold metal, he presses against me, "Baby, you're so goddamn beautiful. I don't want anyone but you, and I don't want you thinkin' that way" he whispers in my ear. Nikki flashes through my mind as he speaks and kisses my neck. Paul clears his throat loudly as the elevator doors glide open. We are escorted in through the back of Rain nightclub and shown to the second-floor VIP section. 50 and his entourage are already here, with massive amounts of security lining the sides. Packed with beautiful women strutting around, heads turn as the manager shows us to a separate booth nearby. We sit and I scan the area, noticing the cocktail servers immediately. Black dresses, thigh-high boots with fishnets, as they begin prancing out with giant bottles over to 50's table. Stat and Obie are leaning over the railing and shouting at people on the main floor below. The DJ is on a large stage, the lights are flashing, and the beat to, In da Club, starts blasting over the speakers. 50 hangs over the side of the railing with a bottle in hand, he shimmies and the entire place erupts from his presence. Marshall is the exact opposite and doesn't want the attention, he's observing from the back quietly. Paul and Marc join us and I see the rest of our guys arrive and then scatter. Denaun slides into our booth, Proof takes off with Swift, and then Bizarre heads over to G-unit's table. A beautiful blonde server approaches with her eyes on Marshall as she introduces herself. Leaning forward, with her breast spilling out, she pours vodka and Red Bull for the table and then opens the beer in the ice bucket. A second server approaches with a bottle of Hennessy and places it in front of Denaun. I glance at Marshall and notice that he's not giving her any eye contact. "Thank you" leaves his mouth as she hands a glass to him and places her other hand on his forearm, telling him to let her know if he needs anything. "I'll take that" I loudly say as I grab the cocktail from Marshall's hand. His eyes shoot to me and he chuckles, "You good?" he asks as she walks away. "I would have made sure that I was working your table" I tell him. "You look like you wanna say something else" Marshall adds. Grabbing the bottle of vodka off the table, I swig it and then pass it to Nate. He's looking wide-eyed at the place but seems unsure what to do. "Again, drinking straight from the bottle" Marshall groans, and then I lean into him. "You want me to spit some in your mouth baby?" I ask and he scowls. "Yo, maybe we shoulda stayed on the bus" he smirks. "Maybe you should have, I'm ready to party now" I say then Paul snaps his head and stares at me. "MVP is back again" Von exclaims as I smile. "Babe, are we gonna sit here all night?" I ask. "You think that I'm being boring?" he replies and I nod. Sliding out of the booth, he pulls me with him and walks to the other table.

Beautiful, scantily clad females surround the table and 50 is in the midst of them all. "Blondie, this is for you" he says as he holds out a glass of champagne. "Yo man, I know that you hate places like this" he says as he grips Marshall's shoulder. Sipping the glass, a few guys dap up Marshall as we stand around. "Yea, this is all I want for the rest of the night" I exclaim, "That's my new stuff, it's releasing on the market soon" 50 explains as I down half the glass. "I love it, it tastes amazing" I reply and then Marshall reaches to try it. "Babe, you can make so much money repping a liquor brand" I state and he nods. "Bacardi should be paying me" he says as I take the glass back. "Let me be your manager and I'll make that shit happen" I exclaim and then 50 laughs. "You wanna do some brand repping for this? I need pretty ladies for the marketing campaigns" he asks as he fills my glass again and I can't tell if he's serious. "She's good man" Marshall says and 50 nods. "You take this one" 50 says as he turns back around with an unopened bottle, "I'll send more to your table" he adds. "Babe, you can't drink Red Bull all night, it's bad. Switch it up, or let's stop drinking and do something else" I suggest. "What'd you have in mind?" he asks, leaning into me and pecking on my chest. "A stimulant" I reply and he pulls his head up. "You wanna do coke?" he asks and I nod. "Yea, or whatever you can get from someone you trust" I reply. "So that shit isn't bad and Red Bull is?" Marshall laughs as my hands caress his chest. "You said we can have fun and get wild" I add. "You can have fun but we're not doing that" he replies. "Okay, well I know who has it" I add. "Oh yea, who?" he asks as he scans my eyes. "Banks, Buck, a few others" I reply, then he clutches my waist and pulls me to the side of the VIP area. His eyes stare intensely into mine as he tightens his grip, "They offered it to you that night. Is that why you lost your mind and broke shit?" he asks. "No, I was drinking and went into a rage for another reason. I kept my promise, I told you that" I reply. "The guys are doing something tonight" I state and nod to Proof, Obie, and Stat as they stand at the railing. "How do you know?" he asks. "I can tell, I've been around it enough to know. These guys are ready to party hard, I can see it" I explain. "You have a problem with what I take and this you wanna do" Marshall says. "Yea, it's a bad idea. I don't want you mixing things babe" I reply and his lips lean to mine. "I took one this morning and haven't taken anything since" he claims. Slowly, I slip my hand deep into his pocket, "Let me check" I smirk and he growls, "That's not funny" he says as I grope him and play inside his pocket. "I'll do some, you can watch. I know how to handle myself and I'll prove it" I tell him. Marshall studies me and chews his bottom lip, "We can do it this once and never again. We're in Vegas, let's party tonight, and then I won't ask again" I add as his eyes stay on mine. "You know that I don't like sayin' no to you" he replies. "You tell me no all the time" I reply with an eye roll. "That's cuz I can't have you runnin' around with these dudes tryin' to steal you" he jokes. Leaning my mouth to his, we press our lips together, "Look at me baby, this is the only time we're gonna do it. When I say no more, do not fight me about it" he orders and I nod. "I made a promise to you that I won't leave your side, do not leave mine either, and don't start an argument" I say and he grabs my waist again. "I wanna have fun with you and do something that we won't do back at home. You know, before you lock me in the house forever" I smirk and he chuckles. "Don't tell Nathan and don't you dare run off and try to get more" he says. "Babe, you can trust me" I reply and he tangles his fingers into mine. "You can't tell me that you've never done it when I know all these dudes are partying with it right now" I say and he pulls me along with him and then glances back, "There's not much that I haven't done" he exclaims as I squeeze his hand.

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