4 - Magical Disease

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It was a strange feeling, Clara thought, staring at the golden screen put up by John

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It was a strange feeling, Clara thought, staring at the golden screen put up by John. Every single incident that had happened in the past few weeks was clearly visible on it. Nothing about the situation was making her feel any good. Even if she didn't know what was causing this, she could sense that there was a great, underlying evil to it.

Clara sat on the armrest of Zatanna's couch, watching with careful eyes as John analysed the images. 'Let's see what this guy thinks.'

The next moment, John ended the golden screen, making it disappear into thin air. Boston, hovering in the air like usual, looked rather grim. "Rama Kushna says this will break down the walls between the plains. Even the afterlife will be affected."

"Yeah, it's dodgy, all right," John said in a rather uninterested tone as he started walking down the dimly lit hallway from the library. "I'll look into it. Meanwhile, the House will drop you wherever you'd like."

"Woah woah woah!" Boston immediately flew in front of him. "Rama says we have to work together. Come on. It's a dream team. You, me, Zatanna, Lumière, Batman...maybe even the Justice League."

"The capes and tights crew? Useless against dark magic," John said, hands on his hips.

Feeling very offended, Clara stepped forward, ready to argue. But Bruce held out an arm in front of her, stopping her from walking ahead.

"Don't act like a child," was all he said. Clara glared at him, before returning to her previous position, arms crossed.

"That's why we need you," Boston appealed to John. "You can lead us."

"Boston, do I strike you as a team player?" John asked pointedly. "Much less, a team leader. Point is, even deities can get it wrong. It's how we got the appendix, neanderthals and reality TV."

"Z and Lumi, your help I could use," John said, turning around and facing them.

"Okay," Zatanna stood up from the armchair. "If we do it as a group."

"I'm with Z on this, John," Clara said, arms still crossed. "We have to work together to solve this."

"Uggh," John cried out in frustration. "This is the monkey cage in Sumatra all over again. Ooh, we need to save the monkeys, she said."

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