Fanart #16 (original)

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This is MY original artwork! I made it myself and I do NOT give anyone permission to use my artwork or post it anywhere without my permission! If I see or hear about someone using MY original artwork without permission, or without credit given to ...

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This is MY original artwork! I made it myself and I do NOT give anyone permission to use my artwork or post it anywhere without my permission! If I see or hear about someone using MY original artwork without permission, or without credit given to me, (which you won't need my permission because I DO NOT GIVE YOU PERMISSION TO USE MY ARTWORK THEREFORE, YOU DO NOT GET TO POST MY ARTWORK ANYWHERE, THEREFORE NOT GIVING ME CREDIT WILL NOT BE A PROBLEM) I will report you on any website/social media app that you have posted my artwork on, and I will continuously report you until you are banned/forced to take down my artwork either on your own accord, or because someone else forced you to do so.

I may have been really harsh with saying that I don't give anyone permission to use/post my artwork anywhere, but it's just a precaution so that if anything at all were to happen, I will have my very expressive, and detailed summary of me saying that I did not allow for anyone to use my artwork without my permission/consent

I'm very self conscious of my artwork, whether online or on paper, so before anyone sees this, which will probably be no one, considering I just posted this entire Harry Potter crack fic in one night, I'll probably delete this post containing my artwork, however, I will be keeping my summary of how no one can use/post my artwork without my permission

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