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*Play the song for better experience 🎶 Deep by Julia Michaels*

You kicked the small stone, then got closer and again. It was weirdly satisfying like it was listening your unheard thoughts. You nibbled on your lower lip, thoughtfully. Your muscles ached a little because of the difficult match in the morning.

But that wasn't the only thing on your mind. Him. He was relentless interfering in every thought of yours. I like you. Why had he said it? Because he does like you -_-. It kept prickling back to you.

But you're clouding up my
Judgement everytime.

You give me chills when
You look at me like that.

You felt like stopping the song but it eerily matched your thoughts. You felt grey, everything around you was so quiet. New, buried feeling that broke out in your body made you feel jelly inside. A part of  you tried to convince yourself that this isn't a crime.

Containing this feeling inside was hard but nothing less than addictive. Despite everything you had a choice... To accept them or-

You gulped in heavily. You sipped the lemonade from your water bottle while walking to home. You looked up, your breath got stuck in your throat.

???: Hey...

Y/n: Hey D.

Approaching you, he scooped you in his arms. He leaned into your touch. His scent that always made your heart race was intact. He slowly let you go, smiling. Tucking a strand behind your ear, he took his time to admire your face.

Derek: Beautiful...

He mumbled loud enough for you to hear. You smiled faintly at his presence.

Derek: Congrats Y/nie. Big girl huh?

Y/n: Big bitch.

You flicked away your non existent sweat. He chuckled cutely.

Derek: You must be hungry?

Y/n: Starving!

Derek: Only I can feed this hippo.

You scoffed but he gingerly held your wrist, pulling you in the nearby café. He threw a wrapped bar at you which you caught, confusedly.

Derek: I'm sure you haven't had protein...

He knew you too well. Quite well. You both sat on the table for two, across eachother. A smile that you suppressed when he had gotten you the choco vanilla bar. He ordered in couple of stuff and looked at you while stuffing the bar all at once. You weren't the girliest girl-

Derek: How has school been?

Y/n: O-Oka...

Derek: Gosh chew properly!

You took whole two minutes, chewing the whole thing and swallowing.

Y/n: Ha yes! Ask now.

Derek: Tell me what have I missed in 2 years.

Y/n: Well, Damien broke up with that cotton candy and now is going out with June!!!!

Derek: Finally! Damien has got some taste!

Y/n: I know right!

Derek: Learnt from the best...

He smirked to himself

Y/n: Ehh. I won the states!!!!!!!

Derek: Yes I did get to know that, baby...

Baby... Awkward. It wasn't two years ago instead you became a tomato then.

Derek: What else? Do you and Taehyung get along now?

Y/n: Bearable. He's okay.

Derek: Wooo! Y/n is a big girl huh!

You couldn't help but chuckle when he got too excited. Oh Derek-

Y/n: Howz Tennis?

Derek: Great! I get to participate in the French Open next year.

Y/n: Celeb shit-

Derek: But I'm happy, I'm here for a week so I'm happier. Better give me attention!

Y/n: We'll go to the boys' finals! Then attend all the afterparties!!! YESS! Also I hope Damien and June start dating! And you know their team is in very good stage. Taehyung has improved defence so much! He can even attack in now-

Derek smiled at you rambling

Derek: Yeah we'll do all of that! When is your team having an after party?

Y/n: With the boys only, if they win-

Y/n: Holy chicken nuggets! Tell me you bought me gifts!

Derek: A whole bag babe!

Stop- babe-

Y/n: Literally?!?!?!?!!

Derek: Whole bag of my sweaty clothes.

Y/n: Better be kidding me!

Derek: You getting blessed dude.

Derek, after every match had a ritual to throw his sweaty jersey in the air if he won. People were crazy for it. You were too at a point but never showed.

Derek: Are you seeing anyone, Y/n?

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