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Derek: You miss a basket and I get to kiss you.

Y/n: This is not done! I don't want you to-

Derek: Yeah so don't miss!

Y/n: Of course!

Overconfidence oozing into your body, you shot the ball... Well too hard. Derek giggled mischievously. He came up to you kissed you for a minute. The next few baskets, you intentionally missed them. Derek wasn't even bit irritated or tired of this silly-ness.

Derek was a great boyfriend, well the perfect first boyfriend. He was your first everything even if you weren't his. He was 3 years older that made him experienced in all areas. It just automatically made you compare both of them.

Taehyung just gave in some feelings that you never experienced before. It was all same but differently with Taehyung. You falling for him was different, difficult, dreamy but dangerous. But damn why did you drink bottles of Gatorade for, to tackle everything. Duh.

His small smiles, deafening chuckles, his dark grey eyes that held so much more than one could even imagine. You weren't scared to say those words but it felt like you fell so fast. Fuck gravity. You giggled mindlessly at the worst times.

Your stomach churned at the slightest attention you got from this reckless guy. He walked with you in the corridors, slipping his hand in yours. You glared at him but he just shrugged as if he had the right to hold your hand.

You being silly enough gave into all his tactics. You weren't to blame. He gave you space even when you didn't want him. He even insisted on giving you a 'ride' back home. You were stubborn so was he. The whole week you resisted his pleas but hell it had become a new challenge to avoid him.

Taehyung: C'mon dudeeee!

Y/n: I'm not in a mood, Taeh-

Taehyung: Oh I'm not listening today!

He held your wrist pulling you in the bus. You travelled with Subways but no! Now Taehyung was being himself.

Making you sit on the window, he sat on the side. You rubbed your hands against eachother as the cold wind whooshed in through the window. His hand intentionally slipped in both your hands. You bit your inner cheek to suppress in whatever your body showed at his touch.

He brought your hand, kissing the back of it. Your eyes widened like tennis balls. He kissed again, once more, okay once more. He kept kissing one after other until a your cheeks were shaded with pretty crimson colour. He flashed a
'i'm so whipped for you' smile to you.

You gulped slowly not knowing what to say as your throat jiggled inwardly. Without looking at him, you tightened your grip on his hand. The bus took an immediate halt making both of you jerk ahead. Your eyes met making him give you his cockiest boyish smile.

He knew you were resisting. He knew, he just knew. You entered your lonely home, alone. Thoughts clouded making you so tired at times. Why was it so difficult being confused? Will people hate you if you are the one not giving in to his efforts? It's difficult for no reason now.

You felt so inexperienced. Partly you were and so was he. The song faintly played.

There are so many things I need to say
That are silent on my lips
Some day, listen to them…
Why are you so lost

Gosh you felt so weak when even the songs related to every situation of your life. Then why couldn't your life be the same as they show in movies?

You gulped the nth time in the day. The sun drowning in the horizon, darkness enveloping all over. You curled up yourself when his smile flashed in front of your eyes. A stray tear rolled down your cheek feeling so empty all of a sudden.

You remembered your conversation with Derek.

Derek: Are you seeing anyone, Y/n?

Words died down in your mouth. Derek chuckled humourlessly.

Derek: You aren't saying no...

He looked at your sudden change of demeanor. You felt the air thickening. Derek smiled softly. He patted your hand comfortingly.

Derek: It's alright, Y/n ah. Take all of your time to accept. It's Taehyung hm?

Your head perked up. Was it obvious?!

Derek: It shows Y/n... The way your eyes searched for him in the court.

Y/n: You were there?!

Derek: See. You didn't even notice me, before you used get nervous if I wasn't there.

He scoffed at his pretty past.

Y/n: Derek-

You started guiltily

Derek: Hey hey, you don't have to give me a justification okay? I'm happy if you are. I'm happy if your eyes lighten up even if it is because of him. I'm happy if your he can handle your sarcasm better than me. I'm happy if he cherishes and prioritizes you more than I did.

He cupped your face, his eyes glossed seeing yours.

Derek: Tell him or I'll snatch you from him.

You giggled despite the tears fighting to fall.

Derek: I'm serious okay! Damien warned me before coming that I can come here only if I won't be the shitty, over possessive ex.

Y/n: That dumb fuck-

Derek: That's my baby brother!!!!

Y/n: Sure! The big brother who almost broke his baby brother's bones every week.

Derek: Oh c'mon! We were just playing!

Y/n: As if. June will protect him now. I trust her.

Derek roared out a laughter making you offensively scoff.

Derek: And I trust Taehyung even if I don't like him.

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