Chapter 8: We Meet Again

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"See you guys later!" Madison said, stepping into a black limo. She had called her bodyguards a while ago. "Bye!" Sakura waved as the car left. "I guess we should get going too. Bye." Li said, as he and Meilin left.

"Well, let's get going Kero." Sakura said, walking home.

In the trees, Ash and pikachu watched them split up. "If we lose them, we'll never be able to find our way out of here." Ash muttered. He stealthily followed Sakura and Kero.

Sakura arrived at home. "I'll definitely be getting a talking to from Tori." Sakura sighed. Just then, it started raining. "Oh, great." She opened the door and found the house deserted. "Of course! Today and yesterday are work days for him! And Dad must be at the university." she said. She walked into the kitchen and opened the fridge. "Ohh! Pudding!" Kero exclaimed, peeking from behind her. Sakura grabbed a plate with pudding and got two spoons before heading upstairs to her room.

Meanwhile, Ash was wondering what to do now. "Pika pikacchu pika pi!" Pikachu said, shaking his fur as he got soaked. "I guess we'll just have to confront them. They brought us here, so maybe they can get us back." Ash said. Pikachu nodded in agreement.

Sakura was sitting on her bed sharing pudding with Kero, when they heard a weird sound. "What was that?" Sakura asked. Then they hard it again. It sounded like something hitting glass.

"What if it's a ghost?" Sakura said, throwing her covers over her head. "Oh, come on, don't be a chicken! There's no such thing as ghosts! It's probably just a branch hitting the house, or the rain." Kero said, lifting the covers. "I am not a chicken!" she replied. Then they saw what was making the noise. It was a rock being thrown at the window!

"Rocks don't just throw themselves at windows, Kero!" Sakura exclaimed. "No, but maybe people do. Look!" Kero's face was pushed against the window. Sakura slowly walked up and looked through her window.

"Hey! It's the boy from that other dimension! Wait-THE BOY FROM THE OTHER DIMENSION!?" Sakura said. "He must of somehow been taken back with us! I'll bet he was spying on us!" Kero said. "But why is he here?" she asked. "Don't ask me! Ask him!" Kero replied.

Sakura opened the window and looked down to see Ash and pikachu, soaked. "Hey! What do you want?" Sakura shouted down, over the loud noise of the rain. "Maybe let us in? It's your fault we're here." Ash shouted back.

Sakura closed the window and ran downstairs, opening the door. "Thanks." Ash said. Pikachu jumped down and shook himself dry. Kero flew downstairs with a towel. Ash dried himself off.

"So, what did you do? Why am I here?"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2022 ⏰

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