Thirty eight.

158 18 19

Um heyyyy ❤️
Im done with school so I really have no excuse to NOT write but you knowww... things happen 🌝.
Ion know what else to say other than...
Enjoyyy x

- mistakes not checked

"You remember what I told you right?" Lani asks taking Dime's seatbelt off. Khalil decided to drop Lani and Dime at her house since she wanted to go home before they went to meet his mom.

"Yeah.." Ti responds quietly. Ever since she'd woken up, her mood was low. Both Lani and KJ knew why and couldn't change it.

"After you hang out with her you're coming to my house anyways. We're gonna watch this movie I saw on Netflix.. I forgot the name but we can eat some candy and popcorn if you want". Lani says trying to make her feel a little better.

"... 'kay" She gets in response with a little smile. Lani gives her a small hug and looks over at Khalil.

"Call or text me whenever". She says as he looks up from his phone. She could tell it was bothering him just as much as it was Ti but didn't know what to do or say. Khalil nods. Lani stares a him for a bit, fighting the urge to kiss him.

She grabs Dime's bag and tells them both to be safe before shutting the door. Khalil watches as Lani grabs her cousin's hand, walking up the small steps to her house. She unlocks the door and gets in before closing it and locking it again.

"LaLa.. tired" Dime groans with a little pout.

Perfect. She thinks to herself

"You wanna take a nap? Let's go to my room". Lani responds picking her up, before walking up the stairs. As soon as she make it in, she places Dime down and takes her shoes off. Watching her hurry under the covers. "So dramatic". She says laughing as Dime shuts her eyes.

She quickly changes from her outside clothes into and oversized graphic tee and shorts before getting in her bed with Dime.


The car ride was silent. KJ looks in the rear view mirror to see Tianna fast asleep. He was dreading this moment but knew Tianna was struggling to come to terms with having to see her mom again.

He focuses on the road ahead, trying to clear his mind but it barely works.

"Bullshit". He mumbles shaking his head. A few seconds later, he sees the familiar neighbourhood.

Abandoned homes, flowers on doorsteps of some, indicating lives being taken. Every single person he drove by would try to look directly in the car.

It was no surprise. Khalil had a nice car and was in a neighbourhood like this. He was unbothered and kept his focus on the road ahead. As soon as he gets closer to his moms house, he could feel the anger rising. He grips onto the steering wheel but released as soon as he remembers what Lani told him.

"I know it's the last thing you wanna do but take this as an opportunity to get stuff of your chest and never see her as often as you have to now. Your questions will be answered and if she refuses to answer, at least you know what type of person she actually is."

He takes a a deep breath in and blows out as soon as he parks outside the house. The park was almost empty, with just a few neighbourhood kids playing in the main area and a group of men chilling in the corner, staring at the car.

Cutting the car off, KJ grabs his phone and tucks his gun in his waistband. He turns around to face Tianna before gently shaking her leg.

"Come on bit". He says watching her move around.

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