Thirty four.

393 21 10

Heyyyy 💕
SORRY FOR THE DELAYYY. I'm over here trying to be consistent and.. Chile this is more than hard work 💔. I had a week off school and now I'm back to online lessons so bare with me😗.

Just a daily reminder:
You're all beautiful. Please don't let anyone tell you otherwise. 🤍

Mistakes not checked.. I repeat they are not checked 💀

Enjoy x


1 week later

Ever since Lani got her tattoo on her mother's birthday, she's been at KJ's house. They were either alone or with the gang and Lani was at peace.

She decided to take the week off from doing lashes so her mindset could go back to the way it was before. Liyah and Niya also did the same thing.

"Bubba can you hand me my lipgloss please?" Lani asks curling her hair in the bathroom. A couple seconds go by and KJ walks in, already dressed for the day. He hands her the lipgloss and stands at the door frame.

"How long you gone be?" He asks trying his hardest not to sound impatient. Tianna's birthday is in exactly 2 days and they were planning on going to the mall with the gang. Everyone wanted to get Ti something so they planned on going to the mall  for a couple more things.

Ti still stayed at Grams' house. Lani's grandma decided to give up one of the guest rooms for Ti, knowing she'd be there for most of the summer. She loved having Tianna around and was happy she was staying.

"I'm nearly done.. lipgloss is the last thing" Lani says taking her phone out instead of using the mirror. She carefully applies some lipgloss as KJ watches in awe. She feels KJ staring at her and tries to hide her facial expressions.

"You look good" KJ says lowly looking her up and down through the mirror as she Lani smiles hiding the butterflies overtaking. She wore a pair of grey cycling shorts, along with a slightly oversized Tupac graphic tee.

"Thank you" She says quietly looking over at him. She instantly looks away realising the way he's looking at her. "Stop looking at me like that" She says looking at herself in her phone, trying not to look back.

"I can't look?" KJ says licking his lips. He makes his way towards her making her heart best a little faster. "Hm?"

He wraps his arms around her waist planting kisses all over her neck making Lani giggle.

"Khalil moveee!" She says laughing, trying to push him off. Instead he turns her around and holds her tighter.

"I'm trying to take a picture moveee!" She says holding her phone up.

"Ian stoppin you.. gone head" KJ responds, still not moving as Lani begins recording, instead of taking a picture.

"Bubba look" She says cheesing as he looks up. As soon as he does, she ends the video. Lani would take pictures and videos but would keep it in her camera roll or delete them right after instead of posting it only because she doesn't like people in her business and it might cause issues in the gang.

"I wanna post it.." Lani says watching the video over again.

"Then post it.. ian stoppin you" KJ says finally letting go. Lani shows him the video making him smile internally.

"Yeah but people are gonna ask questions and ion want people in my business. They already see my with you and assume everything... plus it's gonna-"

"Cause issues in the gang." KJ says cutting her off. "You can post whatever the fuck you wanna post. Niggas out there tryna get me know damn well not to fuck around with the people around me. Ian gone let shit happen.." He lectures.

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