The Weave of Fate

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Hi, my name is Xia but my friends from university call me by my design name Grace.  I'm just finishing my postgraduate degree in fashion design.  I'm of average height, with thick dark shoulder length hair,  and average build and an okay face.  I started my own design label when finishing my last year of university with a friends help.

I like too call it, as I see it, shooting straight if you ask for my opinion, as I hate drama.  So, I've more male friends than female, but only a handful of friends that I would say know my well.  I like my privacy and defend it strongly.

I'm watching the end of a runway show that my friend Stewart got me tickets for.  It is rare that an Asian company opens a runway here in New York.  It was advertised as Asian and Western blend that will path the way of design for the future.  So far, I'm not impressed, as it really hasn't lived up to its hype.  

I've drawn only three aspects of it, that caught my eye.  Which were the amazing embroidery from the Asian element of the show.  As it finishes, I put my note book back in my bag as more people and reports take pictures, as all the models step onto the stage.

When it has finished and we are able to move around.  I'm left feeling a little flat as we move towards the free drinks table.  "So what did you think?" Stewart asks me "what was your thought as it ended?" I ask instead

Stewart tilts his head thinking "as if something was left missing!" he says and I nod my head in agreement "I knew, I was friends with you for a reason" I joke patting his shoulder.  "Hey, I've told you, I'll follow you anywhere" he says smiling.

Someone knocks into my back knocking my bag from my shoulder and spilling its contents over the floor.  Stewart bends down to help me pick up my stuff.  When someone snatches up my open notebook from the floor.

"How dare you! Are you trying to copy my designs?" A stick like woman accuses.

I stand up and look at her "pardon? If I'm not mistaken the runway show has just finished with hundreds of pictures being taken as well as video's and you are accusing me of copying because I drew a few of the better elements from the design's, that actually lived up to the hype?" I correct her.

She opens and closes her mouth.  I take my note book back from her "How dare you? What gives you the right?" she cries as a handsome man walks up to her side.

"As I've just said, your show just ended and I'm allowed to have my own opinion.  Do you honestly believe, that what was just shown.  Lived up to all the hype?" I ask

"What do you think was lacking?" tall dark and handsome asks beside her.  I take a deep breath before answering "The Western tailoring has all been seen before.  It was lacking in originality.  The Asian elements added looked as though they had been an after thought, as if just added on, instead of being blended well.  I really felt it missed the mark."

Stewart is tugging on my sleeve and I shake him off.  Before the stick can engage her brain, tall, dark and handsome asks "what would you have done to blend them better?"  I look at him then open my note book.

I find a clean page and take the pencil from my hair.  I think of the one design that I thought could have been made much better and start to draw.  Handsome walks to my side and looks over my shoulder as I draw what I have pictured in my head.

"I liked the Asian element of this design, but would have done something like this" I say continuing to draw.  The pants should have hugged the waist, but with a wide leg with the Asian element carried on down the leg.  That way the jacket could have been shorter with another Asian element of the high collar, added and the embroidery not only on the front of the jacket but carried on up to the shoulder, something like this" I say finishing the quick rough sketch.

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