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Shen POV

I've not slept so well in a long time.  I think as I open my eyes and see Xia still cuddled into my side.  I move her hair from her face so I can see her clearly and smile.  Her love confession yesterday made my whole world right.

Then her shyly telling me that she hasn't much experience! Well to say that I feel like I'm on top of the world is an under statement.  Even my mother doesn't worry me now and Xia knows how to handle her.

I stroke her cheek "butterflies, are our future wishes" she mutters in her sleep and I still, looking at her.  I move my shirt she is wearing and see the butterfly like birthmark.  I blink and then look at her again "my fairy?" I question, as she has just said the same thing as the little girl did, that I met at my house in the country many years ago.

My father had come to the old mill to talk to the then owner, and had left me to my own devices.  I had gone outside as it started to rain and found this little girl with pig tails and big eyes under the eves of the garage.

She had told me that she was following a butterfly, then the rain started.  She seemed like a fairy to me as she looked so small and delicate.  I had asked her why she was following the butterfly and she'd said "Butterflies are our future wishes" she'd smiled up at me and seemed unreal to me, she was so pretty.  Then her parents had called her and she'd run off but they'd called her Cookie?

I stroke her cheek again and then kiss her forehead and she blinks open her eyes and smiles at me.  "Was I designing again?" she asks "no, you said butterflies are our future wishes" I tell her and her smile grows.

"My mum told my brother and I that whenever we were upset.  I believed it for a long time" she explains

"I remember a little fairy, I met at the house I took you too.  She said the same thing to me and had a butterfly birthmark on her left shoulder" I tell her watching her.

She moves and pulls down the shirt over her shoulder "I've got a butterfly birth mark on my left shoulder?" she says squinting down at it.  "I've found my fairy" I say and kiss her.

She clamps her lips closed and I lean away looking at her.  She places her hand over her mouth "morning breath" she says behind her hand and I can't help but laugh.  "Okay, but you owe me a kiss?" I say sitting up and moving my legs over the side of the bed.  She gets up and back hugs me "morning, sorry I fell asleep" she says kissing my shoulder.

"That's okay, I got to have a good sleep holding you" I tell her patting her hands.

"Right breakfast, and then we can go to work" she says jumping off the bed.  "I'm going to mine to shower and dress.  If you don't want cold pizza we can stop and grab something?" she tells me as she heads out.

"We'll grab something" I call as I hear the door open and close again.  I can't stop smiling as I get ready for the day making sure to brush my teeth well.  Looking forward to kisses.  Xia isn't a person that wastes lots of time getting ready in the mornings.  As I step from my apartment she steps from hers already for the day.

I take her hand and we go down to my car, "I'll have to think about buying a car I suppose" she says as she gets in mine.

"No hurry love, you've got me and mine if you need to go somewhere" I tell her she smiles and strokes my cheek as we leave the carpark.

"What do you feel like for breakfast?" she asks "I'm easy but have a business lunch so nothing to filling" I answer "how about we stop at the shop and go and I'll run in and get some fruit yoghurts and some energy bars?" Xia suggests "perfect" I answer.

"Why did your parents call you cookie back then?" I wonder she laughs "Trevor gave me the nickname of Cookie Monster and they adopted it but just called my Cookie" she explains


When we get to work we say goodbye as we always do when the elevator gets to my floor and I head into my office.  I have a few emails to answer and then I'm meeting with one of the companies supplies to look for buttons and other accessories that might suit my collection.

Doug is coming with me and I'm hoping we won't be there to long as I want to work more on the jacket I need to finish.

I smile as I remember opening my eyes to find Shen looking at me this morning.  I shake my head and try to concentrate on answering the emails again.

Doug knocks on my door when its time for us to leave.  "Hey are you alright?" I ask as he seems to be limping.  "Stew was a little excessive in his loving last night"  he tells me.  I smile and tap his shoulder "go back to the workroom, I can go by myself its alright.  I shouldn't belong as I want to finish that jacket" I tell him "are you sure Boss?" I nod and he smiles thanking me and limps back to the workroom.

I get a cab to the warehouse and meet a little greasy fellow telling me that the manager is busy and he has told him to show me around.  I pick out some buttons that I think will work but there doesn't seem to be much else that I can use.  

"If I design some buttons can you make them?" I ask he nods "if you come this way, I can show you the design room?" he says I follow him out of the main warehouse and over to a number of smaller huts or sheds.  I look around but there doesn't seem to be that many people around this part.

He opens a door and lets me go through before him, just as I turn to see if he's going to switch the light on.  He shoves my roughly in the back and I stumble hitting my head on something and my world goes black.

Who do you think did it? Shen's mother or Kitty?

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