Chapter 1

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16 years later

"Dad,Eliza is going out with some she-wolves to the waterfall. Can I go?". Lord, they're getting too old too fast. Not once he mentioned any male wolves. Just all she-wolves.

"Any others going to the waterfall, you know like any males?", I ask, teasing. Trevon gets on my nerves. Sometimes I just wish his mother was here.

"Uh,I guess so," he said, scratching his head like he was unsure about the question. He knew it wasn't going to be any males. That's why he wants to go so bad.

"Trevon, if you sleep with anyone in this pack and get them pregnant, so help me I will throw you in the dungeon until the baby is born". He took a large gulp and responded back with his voice all shaky "Yes sir".

Looking behind me was a bunch of young she-wolves waiting for him. I knew he wasn't going to sleep with anyone. He has morals. It's Travion I'm worried about. He's so closed off. He sleeps with any she-wolf he can get. I told him multiple times to stop.

I even locked him in the dungeon for a while. He got out a month later and continued doing what he did. He would always get into fights at school,get suspended nearly every week. Only reason he never got kicked out was because we own the school.

By me I mean, me and Iris who isn't even here. Maybe if he met his mother, he'll get it together. I couldn't control him. He was angry all the time. Him and Trevon haven't been close since they were about 8 years old.

Out of nowhere, he just got disrespectful and cold hearted. Maybe he felt a big space in his heart where his parents should be.

Sorry, let me backup. I know you guys are confused.


16 years ago

I turned around and I saw Trevor under Maurice and he was pressing on Trevor's ribs. Trevor shifted and Maurice was about to kill him. I shifted and ran towards Maurice, but I was too late.

He sunk his claws right into Trevor's chest and yanked them out. Trevor choked on blood for a few seconds then he stopped. His head turned my way.

I was the last person he saw. And then he died. Laying on the ground lifeless. I felt aching pain in my heart but I felt a lot of power coming off of me.

I masked all of the pain with anger and my eyes shifted black but it was filled with electricity like little lightning inside my eyes but blue.

It was the same way when I found out Trevor was my mate but now it was mixed in with my black eyes.

Maurice turned around my way and stepped back when he saw my eyes. I growled and my canines grew out of my mouth. I ran towards him and he tried to run back. I pounced right on him and sunk my claws into his back.

He whimpered and gave out a howl for help. Wolves started running towards me but I didn't care. He was pinned to the ground and I had an advantage. I shifted and wrapped my hands around his neck.

I crushed and crushed feeling his bones break and I snapped his neck, leaving his head drop to the ground lifeless.

I stood in front of the army of wolves bloody and naked. I growled out loud and the wolves stopped running and bowed down before me.

I looked around and Julian and Julia's pack was bowing down. I turned to my pack who were all staring at me, and they took a bow.


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