Chapter 30

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Waking up, I was in what looked like a dungeon. Looking around, I tried to move my hands but they were tied behind my back.

Sitting in a chair, silver chains were around both my legs and hands. My throat had a little burning inside so I assumed they forced vervain down my throat.

Trying to break the chains, I failed. Even trying to use my magic, I failed. Scarlett didn't seem to be any help.

We were too weak. Scanning around the room, I looked around and it was empty. A guy was standing at a door far away from me.

"Who are you?", I asked the gentleman. He didn't seem to respond. My arm felt a little tight and I looked over to it and it had a needle pressed through it. Following it, it led to a blood bag. They were draining me of blood.

Now panicking, I started moving around. Doing my best to break the chains. "You won't get out", the man said next to the door.

Blocking out what he just said, I kept trying to break the chains. My hearing caught footsteps heading my way. I need to get out of here.

The footsteps got closer and closer and I needed to get mad. I didn't have anything to make my alter ego come out. Looking down, I enchanted a spell multiple times but nothing happened.

Time ran out and the door opened. The man who I was fighting came inside the room and walked up to me. "You're awake", he said, crouching down, moving my hair out of my face.

He turned around and headed for the door. The vampire who stood in front of the door opened the door for him to leave. The man walked past him but did not leave.

Instead he rapidly snapped the guards neck and he fell to the ground. Running back over to me, he started yanking the chains off. "Hurry, we don't have much time", he said, pulling the needle out my arm.

When I got up, my legs felt wobbly and I nearly fell down before he caught me. "I can't. I'm not strong enough". Holding me with one of his arms, he bit his other arm and his blood started leaking.

"Here. It's not enough but you will have some strength. Drink". He demanded. Didn't have to tell me twice.

Snatching his arm, I bit into it and started draining his blood. Using my other arm to hold his arm still, my eyes shot open and were bloody red.

Pulling his arm away from me, I stood up and wiped my mouth. "Why are you helping me after you captured me?", I asked curiously.

He stood there for a second and before he said something, he turned around and started walking. I followed behind him. "What's your name?", I asked. He kept walking and didn't respond.

"My name is Iris", I said even though I'm sure he knows that already. We went upstairs and as we were running, I heard a lot of noise.

"They're coming", I warned. "Look I'm tired and all but I only have my vampire strength. We need to get out of here now", I warned again.

"Why leave now. The party just begun", a vampire said, vamping out of nowhere. The man who was helping me stood in front of me like he was my security guard. "Ryder, I won't let you kill her.

You have to go through me first", he stated. For a second I was going to panic but now, I remembered where the name Ryder came from.

"Ryder? Ryder as in my father's dad", I asked stepping in front of the man. He grabbed my arm and stopped me before I walked a little further. What is up with this dude?

"Yes Ryder as in Chase's father. Ryder as in the vampire king and Ryder as the grandfather who is going to kill his granddaughter", he finished.

The man pulled me back behind him and walked a few inches up closer to Ryder.

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