Chapter 38

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After about twenty minutes, I went back into the house and the flames were down. To burned bodies laid on the floor. I waved my hand and the salt blew away.

Removing the blunt from my mouth, I blew out smoke and crouched down to them. "Looking extra crispy there", I said and bursted out laughing. I can't with myself.

Standing back up, I went outside and stood in the middle of the houses and whistled. "EVERYONE YOUR ALPHAS ARE DEAD", I yelled out laughing. Wolves came from out of their homes. Mainly the men.

Women and children stayed by the doors. Two wolves walked up to me. One was a girl and another was a male. "Ahh, the Beta and Gamma of the pack. I'm Travion the new Alpha", I said with a smile on my face.

"Where are they", the dude asked with a little base in his voice. I stepped to him, and he didn't seem intimidated by the least. "What's your name?" ,I asked, not really caring.

"August", he answered. "This is Tracy", he added. " I didn't ask for her name now did I?", I asked.

"Kid back up. You're too young to be an Alpha. Where are your parents", Tracy said to me.

Shifting my direction to Tracy, I stepped to her and she did not move. "Brave woman", I said to her. Without warning, I wrapped my hand around her throat and squeezed, raising her off the ground.

"Let's get one thing straight, I am not a child. In fact, I am a man. The man who is now your Alpha.

The man who will snap you in half the minute you disrespect me. If I were you, I'd best be on my behavior", I whispered.

Throwing her to the ground, August stood there and watched. " You're a smart one August. Let's keep it that way, or it will be you being thrown", I said leaning in whispering to August.

Turning around, I saw many wolves surrounding, some were even scared to fully come outside their homes.

"Don't tell me y'all scared of a sixteen year old", I shouted. A wolf came up walking towards me. " There is no way I'm taking orders from a minor.

Do you even know the first thing about being an Alpha at that. You're going to lead this pack to their death", the wolf told me.

Turning my back to him, I took two steps forward slowly and stopped. "You're right. I'm a minor Indeed. A minor that could wipe out this entire pack in seconds.

Do you know who I am?", I asked, turning back around, walking two steps back in front of the wolf.

"Well let me tell you". I leaned in towards him. "I'm the son of Iris West", I whispered and quickly wrapped my hand around his throat, choking him.

"Another thing you were right about. I will lead this pack to their death, if they are disobedient. And you sir, will be my first example", I said, lifting his feet off the ground. "STOP. YOU PROVED YOUR POINT", Tracy yelled at me.

Looking over to her, she seemed mad. " No, I don't think I have", I responded. Shifting my focus back to the wolf, his blood vessels were bulging in his head, his face started growing a darker shade.

Squeezing his throat harder, his hands tried hitting me in the face. With my focus on him, I still felt Tracy and she ran towards me. Without turning my face, my hand reached out and I was holding her by the throat.

The wolf I was choking finally stopped moving and he was dead. Dropping him, I turned to face Tracy.

"You don't think I'm stupid huh? Thought you could save your pack member", I said smirking.

"Tracy, I really thought you were smart. I'm a hybrid, one you can't kill. I've already killed your member, what do you think will happen to you?", I asked. Her face started to grow red and her knee swung up.

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