Chapter 46

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"The king himself is back", I said dramatically looking at Travion walk towards me and Ezra. We were at our lockers like we usually were.

It's like a signature spot for us 3. He reached us and dabbed me and Ezra up. "Going to tell us why you haven't been to school in years and didn't tell a soul?", I asked.

"Asher, if you miss me just say that", he laughed. Real funny Trav. "How did that fling go with Chloe?", I asked him. He stopped putting things in his locker and faced me. "How do you know about that?",he asked, really curious.

"Let's say Chloe is very readable. I mean, all she's been doing is talking about you in her story. Acting as if what she was saying wasn't about herself.

You fucked her up Trav and you marked her. The bitch must be having flashbacks or something", I answered.

"Yea, what do you do to her Trav?", Ezra asked. Travion shoved his backpack inside his locker and shut it close laying against it. "You got that gas?", he asked me. I pulled the bag of rolled up blunts out my back pack and handed it to him.

He snatched it like typical Travion and began walking off. I slammed my locker shut and me and Ezra followed behind him.


"You got that gas?", Travion asked Asher. He pulled the bag of rolled up blunts and Travion snatched it away from him. He started walking away and followed behind him, along with Asher.

We headed outside of the school. We either smoked there or in the bathroom chopping it up.

Once we got outside, all three of us sat down on the top step and took a blunt out the bag. Starting with Travion, he lit his up and passed it to Asher and then to me.

"Want to answer the question?", I asked Trav. He blew out smoke and looked straight forward to an empty field. "I raped her", he said so unbothered.

Didn't come as a surprise that he would actually rape someone. It was sooner or later. Though Asher's eyes nearly popped out of his head. Not to mention he was coughing up a storm.

"Well, she learned her lesson", I added. Looking over, Asher was beating his chest. Travion was looking at him and began laughing.

I joined in also. "Ain't nothing funny", Asher whined. Except it was funny. Just not to him. "What was going on when I was gone?", Trav asked us.

"Nothing much, I mean school has been hella dry. Aiden bitch ass thought you were never coming to school again so he took it into his own hands to call himself the King of the school like he was Alpha of the school itself.

Challenging weak wolves to take his title. Of course he beat them all. Me and Asher were going to challenge him but we decided we didn't really care what he called himself. We all knew what he is and isn't ", I answered.

Looking over to Asher, he finally stopped coughing and was blowing smoke out his nose. "Finally got your shit together", I said laughing at him. He blew smoke at my face and Travion just laughed.

"Aiden thought wrong. Looks like he's going to be getting a challenge today", Travion replied, and put the blunt out. I followed pursuit and so did Asher after taking his last, long hit.

"Don't get extra now Sir Cough Alot", I joked. Travion stood up and headed back to the school and we followed behind him. We were late for class but not that we really cared.

Headed back in the school, we went to Geometry which so happens to be the class Chloe was in. Entering class late, like always the teacher still said something to us. Well, mainly Travion.

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