2018: Blast from the Past

810 18 4

"Status report."

"Eagle One, standing by."

"Eagle Two, standing by."

"Eagle Three, standing by."

"Eagle Four, standing by."

"Eagle Five, standing by."

"Eagle Six, standing by."

"Eagle Seven, standing by."

"Eagle Eight, standing by."

"Eagle Nine, standing by."

"Eagle Eleven, standing by."

"Eagle Twelve, standing by."

"Eagle Thirteen, standing by."

"Eagle Fourteen, standing by."

"Eagle Fifteen, standing by."

"What happened to Eagle 10?" the leader asked.

"Eagle 10 isn't here right now.  But if you'd like to make an appointment..." an unfamiliar voice answered.

"Who the hell is this?" asked Eagle 9.

"You'll see.  Or maybe you won't.  Depends on where I hit you from."  Then, the comms were jammed.  All that could be heard was static, so Eagle 1 threw his earpiece to the ground.  He could hear gunfire, the sounds of metal, and screaming.

"2, 3, 4, and 5, on me!" he shouted.  The yelling of 4 more distinct voices could be heard.  Then five.  The guards relocated to the airbase entrance.  "What's going on?" Eagle 3 asked nervously.  "No idea, but stay sharp."

There was rustling in the nearby bushes, and then a figure walked out, two dual swords on his back.  "What the hell?!" Eagle 4 shouted.  "What up," the man responded cryptically.  "Well don't just stand there, shoot him!"

Multiple bullets hit him in the chest.  None of them penetrated.  "Come on guys.  I have a head too."  A stray bullet flew past his cheek, so he smiled and unsheathed his swords.  The man deflected all the rest of the bullets until everyone was out.  They all reloaded at the same time, giving him an opening to attack.

He cut four of them down, leaving only Eagle 1.  "Who... who are you?!" he asked, in fear.  "The name's Jake.  But you can call me Silver Lion."  Jake then stabbed him in the chest and dropped him to the ground.

His hair was longer, he had some stubble on his face, and his Wakandan accent had completely vanished.  He was a fully fledged African American now.  He walked into the hangar, as a Learjet took off from it, right above his head.

He smirked and ran to his own jet: the Royal Talon Fighter gifted to him a year back.  He cloaked and followed, waiting until they were up in the clouds to make his move.  He connected the small jet to the bottom of his fighter.

"This here... is a big ass electromagnet," Jake said over the speaker.  "Now just sit back, relax, and be glad I'm not dropping you into the ocean with your plane."  With this, he boarded the plane, cut a hole in the top, pulled a man out of it, and dropped it into the Atlantic.


The man was now tied up, and kneeling on the floor.  "So nice to finally meet you," Jake said sarcastically.  "Do I know you?" the man asked coolly.  I'm surprised you forgot so easily, after you dumped me in the middle of Africa and left me for dead... dipsh*t.

"Jake?" he asked in shock.  "At least you remember my name... dad."  Michael Amari was his name.  He has short hair, a goatee, and a criminal empire so deep people were scared to even say his name.

The fighter landed in a Manhattan alleyway, where Jake dumped his father, practically dragging him off of it

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The fighter landed in a Manhattan alleyway, where Jake dumped his father, practically dragging him off of it.  After hearing the sirens wailing in the distance, Michael's expression turned from one of irritation to one of fear.  "I should have dropped you in the sea instead," he said, slapping his son across the cheek.

  "I should have dropped you in the sea instead," he said, slapping his son across the cheek

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Jake responded simply.  With a middle finger.  After bringing dear old dad to justice, Jake returned to his fighter.  He had 2 notifications.  The first indicated that he was finally low on fuel.  The second was an audio recording.

"Hello again my friend.  There is a battle on it's way to Wakanda.  We could really use your help."  It was nice to hear T'Challa's voice again, although Jake wished it was under better circumstances.

It was time to return to Wakanda.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2022 ⏰

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