18: Little Exploration

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Unicron decided to give more detail, much to Primus' dismay. He tried to stop him silently. Optimus left a while ago so I decided to go for a walk.

Miko was on my tail quickly. "So, what about that ride?" She asked, grinning.

"Bit risky." Primus pointed out now that Optimus was gone.

"Sure." I told her.

"Did you listen to a thing I said?" Primus huffed.

"Obviously not." Unicron giggled.

"Why would I?"

"Huh?" Miko asked

"Lets go in the main room." I told her.

"Or we could fly outside." She told me.

"We're underground." I pointed out.

"There's and elevator we can take to the top." Miko said. So we are reasonably close to the surface?

"Lead the way." I said and she did. We made it to the main room, everyone was doing their own stuff so they didn't notice us. Turns out that the elevator was in the middle of the room and I never noticed.

We snuck over. "Push that button." She said and pointed to a button slightly higher up than I. I reached up and gently pushed it down. The elevator opened with a ding.

Ratchet heard and turned sharply like a snake snapping at its prey, "And what do you think you're doing?" He seethed as he slouched over, clutching a wrench at his side.

"Going for a fly." I said as Miko nodded happily at me ped.

Ratchet glared at me as if I were stupid, then raised a single digit and pointed to the sling and splints holding my shoulder in place.

"Oh." I grumbled, I had forgotten about that.

"What?" Unicron asked.

"Can't fly with the splint." I told him and partly to Miko. Her shoulders slumped and she stomped off to Bulkhead. I huffed and glared up at Ratchet, "I'm bored." I complained and crossed my arms sourly.

"You're acting like a brat." Primus huffed, I stiffened. I had forgot to inform him that Optimus was in the room.

"Cheese." I hissed at him in mild panic as I snuck a glance over to Optimus. He was busy but seemed to be adjusting his audio receptors.

"Go play with Bumblebee then." Ratchet shrugged and stomped back to the medbay. I looked around for Bumblebee and spotted him chatting with Arcee next to the humans place. They were busy entertaining Jack and Raf.

I strolled back to my corner and sat down with a huff, I glanced around and when no one was looking, I got out a crystal from my chassis and stuffed it down my intake.

I seemed to have missed a pair of optics. Wheeljack was staring at me in utter confusion. I made some threatening gestures to make sure he doesn't share.

He smirked and nodded, probably finding it cute that a mechling was threatening a warrior. But once he turned his attention away from me, I spotted a driveway. Perhaps it led outside...

I looked around, vigilantly this time and slowly snuck over. I walked through further until I came to a large door.

"What are you doing?" Unicron asked.

"I may have found an alternative exit." I told him.


"I gotta figure out how to open it." I told him as I stepped forward, it opened. "Oh, it senses motion." I said as I walked out.

"Wait, should we be leaving?" Primus asked.


"Then why are you?" He asked.

"Because I want to." I huffed and started walking, haven't seen the sun for a while, but I definitely didn't remember it that bright.

I tore of the splint and sling before I took out the crystals from my chassis and held them out. "Argh, it's bright." Sire complained as I walked down the road. Then a car came into view, at the side of the road, it's hood steaming.

"Is that a human?" Primus asked as we approached, the human was busy glaring at the car to notice us.

"Guess so." I put them back in as the human turned.

He let out a screech and ran behind the car. I'm not that big! How does he find me scary?

"You good?" I asked as I bent over the car to look at him.

"Ahh..." He gaped.

I blinked patiently.

"You part of the military?" He asked slowly.

"Like a human inside me pulling the strings?"

"Yea." He nodded, a little calmer.



"No." I snickered.

"Then what?" He seemed thoroughly confused.

"Oh, come on. Scare the shit out of him." Unicron huffed.

"No, don't." Primus argued.

"An alien sent from outer space to destroy you." I joked.

He looked at me, eyes wide.

"I'm joking."

"You're not an alien?"

"Oh, I am, but I'm not here to destroy you." I shrugged.

"This is a prank." The man muttered and walked over to his car and popped the hood.

I shrugged once again and transformed, the human turned to investigate the sound.

"OhmyGod!" He blurted out in alarm.

I squawked and trotted off, towards the blocks next to the road. Maybe they're housing units... Then a red and blue truck pulled up beside me and continued at my pace. It looked like Optimus, maybe he was offering me a ride...

I hopped on to where a trailer would normally hook on, he swerved a bit before he turned and headed back to base.

I squawked in protest, jumped off and trotted back to the town. "Augury!" He started as Primus let out a little gulp.

I twisted my neck around, hissed at him and continued.

"So scary!" Unicron mocked and giggled, Primus let out a grown.

Suddenly a ped appeared before me. I looked up at him. "We are not supposed to be seen." Optimus explained.

I tilted my helm and transformed, "Why?"

"For one; That we do not alarm the humans of our existence, and two; The Decepticons are highly capable of tracking your signal-"

"Bullshit." I snorted, "I, not being fully grown, do not project a spark signature trackable for the 'cons and therefore, the only reason I am in danger of encountering Decepticons, is if they tracked your signal."

"Or if you flew over to a volcano in which they were mining my energon." Unicron pointed out.

"Or if I headed right for them." I agreed.

And then a green swirl popped up.

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