Part 5 : Stella

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Stella showed him her finger she had just cut while cutting a bit of sausage.

"It's ok, i just cut my fingers while trying to make breakfast" she explained.

"Can i" he asked as he looked at her hand concerned.

She shook her head, and she let him in. He put his bag down, and went to grab a first aid kit he had in his bathroom. He had her sit on the couch and then he sat too.

"Is it ok if i take your hand to cure you?" He asked very sweetly.

She looked at him, in a way it gave her an unexplainable feeling that he asked "of course" she then replied.

So she gave him her hand, and he gently took it in his. The cut was a bit deep but he knew she didn't need stitches, he could see as he put some alcohol to disinfect her eyebrows move. It was burning her a bit but she didn't want to show it, he was so gentle that she didn't want to exaggerate. Plus what was that pain compared to what Grant had done to her.

"It's ok if it burns" he said looking at her smiling a bit.

"No no it's fine" and then she focused on what he had on. "You are working today?"

She lifted her eyes up and they got lost in his. He couldn't handle the sweetness base she had in her voice, he smiled and shook his head to tell her yes that he was indeed working. He then remembered why he was there in the first place, he wanted to offer her a job working at the bullpen. He had already cleared with Boden, now all he needed was to make sure Stella would be down to try.

He finished wrapping her finger "and just like that your little finger will be ok, the little kiss to heal faster" and he blew a kiss on her finger from a far.

"Thank you" she laid her hand on her thigh.

"No problem"

"Not only for that but because you're really respectful, i-" she wasn't sure those were the right words but she said them anyways "i appreciate it"

"Don't mention it, it's only right. And-" he said ready to talk to her about the job offer "i wanted to come get you today because i might have a job offer for you"


"Yes, now it's at the firehouse. And i know it could be a bit tricky. Because well there's mostly men, so that's why i am not going to drag you there. I just want to see if you could be interested"

"Yeah" she said as she started rubbing her hands together.

"Hey it's not an obligation, you can give yourself some time to be ready for this"

"No i want it, i want to work. The sooner i can get on with myself the better"

"And i know that, but you also have to give yourself some time to process and to feel ready" he explained.

She took a deep breath in, she knew that if she were to take too much time she'd stay like this forever. She knew that if she were to never take that step, she wouldn't dare to do it after.

"No trust me, i know what i am doing"

"Okay then i'll be waiting for you, you get ready and i'll be outside waiting"

"You don't have to go outside, i mean-"

"I will be outside" he affirmed "don't worry".

And so he did just that, he waited for her outside of the apartment. He knew he would be a bit late but it didn't matter, Stella got ready pretty quickly and in no time she opened the door. Kelly smiled and looked at her.

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