Part 7 : please be careful

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She couldn't shake the fact that she was feeling someone behind her. She didn't know if she was imagining things but she hated the feeling. She slowly tried to calm down, and she kept walking as she made it to a park. Everything looked so beautiful.

And her just enjoying her surroundings was helping her focus on something else other than the fact that someone could be following her.

In the meantime, after Severide had dropped off the little card for Stella he went back to Mills'.

"Been waiting, you're in tonight?" Mills asked.

"In for what?" Kelly was confused.

"We're going to Molly's, and then possibly a club or something. So you're in, you could even see with Stella if she'd want to go"

"No, i mean i'd love to invite her but i don't know if thats the right environment for her. But also I wouldn't want to just seem as if i can't give her space you know" he explained.

"Well Gabby can go and ask her" Mills proposed.

"So let me get something straight, you don't want me getting too involved with her but when the time comes, and i tell you this. You are the one proposing an alternative for her to come regardless?"

"Oh please like you're not happy about what i just proposed. Plus look it's good for her also not to be too alone" he added with a little smile.

Kelly shook his head, and rolled his eyes. Of course he was happy about that alternative, and all he was hoping for was that Stella would accept and come. It was a weird feeling not to even be able to see her, but he was sure of one thing and it was that he would continue to slide little encouragement words for her under the door.

There was still some time before tonight and so Kelly just decided to lay calmly there, and watch a bit of tv.
Stella had gotten back to the appartment, still with this feeling. In her mind someone was definitely watching her, but she decided to focus on the fact that she was alive and free. She got back and instantly sat on the couch to see what she could watch on tv, it was hard to focus on the good when her mind was so out of control. But she was trying her best, she would have her next session with Dr Charles the day of her shift and she was ready. She lit the tv and heard a knock, she couldn't help but be frightened.

Her first thought was that Grant had finally found her, her heart started to beat fast. She got up and took a deep breath.

"Who is it?" She asked before opening.

"It's Gabby"

She could recognize that voice anywhere, she opened the door. And remembered the sweet face of Gabby, she remembered how gentle she was while taking care of her wounds. They shared a slight hug and Stella waited for her to say something.

"So, i was wondering" she paused as she looked at Stella's face "if you were up to go out a bit tonight?"

"Go out where?" She asked a bit confused.

"I co-own a bar, it's called Molly's. And I don't know maybe it would be fun for you to come and spend a bit of time there with us, what do you say" she asked with a smile.

"Well, I don't know. I haven't been out in so long"

"Come on, it could be fun. I won't leave your side, yeah?" She tried convincing her.

Stella wasn't sure, but she needed to do something. She knew that watching the tv was not really helping with her still thinking someone had been following her. And so after giving it a bit of thought, she shook her head and agreed to go with Gabby.

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