The Birth

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9 Months later

I was standing up eating a hotdog ,when I felt a pain go through my stomach. I shrugged it off,but twenty minutes late I felt another pain. I shrugged it off again, but then I felt water go down my leg. Oh, crap ,"Shane" I yell. I hear him running down the stairs.

"Yes, babe" he asks.

"It's time" I say to him. He just stands there dumbstruck, then another one hits me. I double over in pain.

" Shane we need to leave now!" I yell.

"Okay let me get the bag and we will go" he says.

He leaves then is back in 3 minutes. He runs back down the stairs, and out the door. I hear the car start and leaves with out me. I just roll my eyes. He is missing the most important thing, I think to myself. I roll my eyes  again,and wait for him to remember me. I hear the  car come back,and Shane comes running in. He grabs me "what are you waiting for, we are having a baby ,we need to go" he says.  Okay now he is making me mad.

"No actually , I am having the baby. Your just the person that knocked me up. And YOU FORGOT  about me, I can't stand up by my self with these pains* I yell. " well, while all of that stuff is true, we need to go" he says. Then rushes me out the door and in the car.we make it to the hospital under 10 minutes. They get me in a room and into a nightgown. The doctor comes in and checks me. He says  I am six centimeters. The pain is almost unbearable. "Can I have a epidural" I ask , "yes,  your in luck you got here when you did, or I would have said no." He says. He gives  me the meds, I relax a bit. 3 hours later I am aloud to push. I push ,while Shane counts. When I am done I tell him death  threats. It takes another 3 push and finally I hear my baby cry. She gets cleaned off and handed to me. I laugh and cry at the same time. " hi,  I am your mommy" I say to her.

She opens her beautiful blue eyes at me." And this your daddy* I say and point to Shane. He smiles  and  says hi to her. "You did wonderful, Claire" he leans down and kiss my forehead.

" so what's her name" asks a nurse.

" her name is..................

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