07 - The Bar Pt. 2

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"Hey Kiddo!" the man exclaimed as he got up and embraced Y/N. He hugged her tight.

"Hey Uncle Haruki," she replied with a smile on her face.

"Y-You've gotten so big," he said in disbelief. "Last time I saw you, you were only thirteen...has it really been 5 years?"

"Yeah, it has," Y/N confirmed with a sheepish laugh.

"Who's your little friend?" he asked, pointing at me. I felt like I had to say something.

"I'm uh Suna Rintarō," I said perhaps a bit too nervously.

"Pleasure to meet you Suna," he said shaking my hand. I gave him a small smile.

"Anyways, we need a place to crash for the night and we need a change of clothes," Y/N interrupted.

"Of course! Your clothes are in your room and Suna can borrow some of mine," Haruki said. Y/N urged for me to follow her down a small hallway. We made a left turn and came across a door. Y/N turned the handle and opened it up to reveal what I assumed was her bedroom.

 Y/N turned the handle and opened it up to reveal what I assumed was her bedroom

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"Sorry it's so messy...I had a breakdown in here and basically just trashed the bedroom," Y/N muttered as her face turned cherry red. She quickly began to pick things up off of the floor.

I decided to help her and before we knew it, the room was clean.

"There's only one bed so I'll sleep on the couch in his office," Y/N said. I shook my head.

"This is your room. I don't mind sleeping on the couch," I said. Y/N thought about it for a moment.

"If you're okay with it...we could both sleep in the bed," she suggested, avoiding eye contact.

She wants me to...sleep with her. But not sleep with her in a "sexual" kind of way but like sleep with her as in "we're going to sleep in the same bed but just as best friends" kind of way.

"Okay," I said, shrugging my shoulders. We both heard a knock at the door.

"Hey Suna, these were the smallest clothes I could find," Haruki said as he thrusted a pair of clothes at me. "Anyways, goodnight. I'll see you in the morning,"

I shut the door.

I was a couple minutes away from sleeping with a girl I think I love.

I could choose to be an asshole and do it with her.

But I'm not an asshole.

"Suna?" a voice called out. I turned around to see Y/N taking off her tie and pulling her hair out of her ponytail.

"Yes?" I mumbled.

"Are you sure you're comfortable with this?" she asked with a concerned look on her face.

I flicked off the lights and made my way over to the mattress. I dragged my hands across the floor until I reached my phone. I turned the flashlight on.

"Im sure," I said as I sat down on the mattress. Y/N smiled at me as she laid down on the bed and pulled the covers over her body.

I took my tie and belt off before I laid down next to the h/c haired female. I turned the flashlight off.

"Goodnight Suna," Y/N whispered.

"Goodnight Y/N,"


The air was chilly. We both walked along the sidewalk covered in snow. Y/N and I had just left her uncle's bar. The clothes he gave me fit just fine and they didn't look half bad either.

 The clothes he gave me fit just fine and they didn't look half bad either

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I glanced over at Y/N who was walking very silently beside me. She hadn't uttered a word since breakfast.

I wondered what was wrong.

Oh yeah.

Today was the day her sister died.

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