14 - Unfortunate Discoveries

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Date: January 30th

I knocked on the front door to my father's house. I had been going once every single week since December.

Most of the time I brought Rin with me, since I loved his company and my father seemed to like him as well.

It was nice spending time with my father. He and I had fixed our broken relationship and made amends.

We played board games and went to the park and celebrated his birthday and did all these things we were supposed to do with my sister as well. We visited her grave once and left some roses.

This one visit was odd. No one answered the door. I knocked again and waited. Still, no one. I got really nervous all of a sudden.

"Dad?" I yelled from outside. Rin walked up the path and appeared next to me.

"Baby, what happened?" he asked.

"He's not answering the door," I said, taking a deep breath.

Rin and I both agreed to break it down, since he wasn't answering his phone either.

"On three. One, two, three!" we both yelled in unison as we ran against the door.

The door flung open. We both cautiously stepped inside. The house was extremely quiet, not a sound could be heard.

"Dad?" I yelled in a worried tone. No answer.

Rin offered to check upstairs while I checked downstairs. I frantically searched every room downstairs and didn't find him at all.

Did something happen to him?

"...hey babe?" Rin called out from upstairs. There was a hint of horror in his worried tone.

I walked up the stairs and searched each room for him. I found Suna standing in front of the door of my fathers room.

"What is it?" I asked, worrying about what I might find behind that dreaded door. Rin very hesitantly turned the knob and opened the door to reveal my father, unconscious and lying on the floor.


I anxiously sat there in the hospital, waiting for my poor father to wake up. My mascara and eyeliner was running down my face. My cheeks were stained with makeup and tears.

Rin gripped my hand harder and rubbed my back from underneath my shirt. I swallowed hard.

"It's gonna be okay," Rina assured me.

"You don't know that," I snapped. My voice trembled as I burst into tears once again.

A couple minutes passed and we heard a knock at the door. A doctor entered the room.

"Ms. L/N?" she asked. I nodded.

"Is he gonna be okay?" I asked, shakily. A grim expression appeared on her face.

"I'm so sorry but...your father has been diagnosed with cancer. Normally we would be able treat him but...the cancer has been there for months. Unfortunately, we aren't able to do anything about it since it's just so far along...he has a month at best,"


All I remembered from that hospital trip was me screaming and crying and yelling at the doctor.

Rin had to drag me out of there.

"It's not fair," I sobbed as Rin got into the backseat with me. He wrapped his arms around me as I buried my head in his chest.

"I know," he said, running his hands through my hair.

I cried in the backseat of his car for what felt like hours but was only a couple minutes. Once I had quieted down and taken some deep breaths Rin got in the drivers seat and began drove me home.

"Are you sure you don't wanna sit up front?" he asked before he started the car.

"I'm sure," I said as my voice quavered.

I was gonna lose my father.

I was gonna be alone again.

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