Chapter Ten

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Boots hammered against the wood, sounding far too loud for my ears. I struggled to keep up with the group as they hurried above deck. My foot hit the first step; the muscle in my leg flexed. Pain erupted in my thigh and I nearly bit my tongue as I faltered.

Tallera turned to look back at me. "You all right?"

"Fine," I replied, ignoring the pain as I righted myself, anxious to see what was happening above.

The rest of the crew was gathered along the starboard side, strangely mute for once. A few of them uttered curses and crossed themselves solemnly. As I looked up, I had to concentrate hard to keep from cursing myself. The smoldering remains of Grimm's carnage lay in plain sight. I recognized the pirate's work; he had laid waste to my hometown the night I'd reunited with Dark and left my old life behind. I glanced at Sykes; he was stone-faced, glaring out at the sea.

I nudged Tallera, who was standing next to me, mouth open in shock. "Grimm," I explained, grimacing.

She looked back at me. "How do you—"

"I'll explain later."

The sight of Grimm's destruction was a rude awakening. It brought back haunted memories I had tried hard to repress. I could still remember the sight of the fires scorching the manor house, the screams that pierced the night, and the sharp smells of smoke and blood.

Branches whipped by me as I ran, smarting as they cut my uncovered face and arms. I could hear shouts nearby, but no one was pursuing me. Still, I held tightly to the small dagger, breathing heavily as I tried to stay out of sight. Feet from where I stood, the village beneath the eyes of the manor house I had fled burned. It was difficult to force my gaze from the crowd of innocents; some had children among them. But I had to keep going.

Steeling myself, I fought against the urge to help put out of the fires and continued to run. I barely even noticed when my footfalls changed from muted thuds to heavy booms as I reached the dock. I had left the manor far behind, but I still wasn't safe. Whoever had attacked it was probably on their way back. I slowed to catch my breath, seeing with relief that this end of the port was deserted.

There was a shout nearby. Too close. I had drawn attention to myself. I tried to hide behind some nearby crates, gripping the weapon so hard my hands turned white as bone.

"Where d'ya think ye're goin'!?" a gruff voice demanded, seizing me by the hair and hauling me from my hiding place.

I shrieked as the man yanked me closer to look in my face. His manhandling had caused me to drop the dagger and I tried desperately to reach it. My hood had been thrown back, away from my face. He leered at me.

"Well, well..." he murmured. His eyes traveled over me greedily, like a starving dog that had discovered a bone.

Another hooded figure, dressed much like I was, sprang from the shadows and attacked the man holding me. The man growled in surprise and anger as he tried to throw the newcomer off. I scurried away, grabbing the dagger in shaky hands and intending to run far away.


I froze at the sound of the new voice. Turning, I saw the pirate that had attacked me, dead at the hooded man's feet. I stared at the cloaked figure in horror, raising the dagger to protect myself. My heart beat painfully against my ribs, insisting that I continue fleeing or it would rip out of my chest and leave without me.

"I'm not going to hurt you..." came the muffled voice again from inside the hood.

I didn't move. He came closer and I raised the dagger in an attempt to intimidate him. The figure reached up and threw off his hood. I gasped.

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