Chapter Eight

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It was absolutely maddening. Completely ludicrous.

The effect she had on him was unheard of. He tried to remember how it had been years ago, but he couldn't summon the memories to his mind.

Dark crossed his arms, edging closer to the wheel and surreptitiously peering over his shoulder. A few feet below, on deck, Zaina was going about her business, dutifully attending to the tasks Raoul had set for her.

Currently, she was helping a crewman clean the cannons with a cloth. She was covered in grime and sweat from the work. It was the contrary of her usual appearance, and it threw him off his axis somewhat.

She stood and stretched, her arms raised towards the sky. Dark stared, fingernails sinking into his arm. Ryan swooped up with a bucket of water, offering it to her for a drink. Zaina took it from his hands, tipping the contents into her mouth. Dark bit his tongue accidentally, watching her splash some water on her face and neck.

"Ye could always wait to watch her bathe," Sykes commented dryly from behind him. "Might be more titillating."

Dark whirled around, stalking over to the small table they had set up at the stern. Sykes was poring over a navigational chart—a treasure more valuable than gold.

"Do you intrude on all the men's thoughts like this?" Dark asked caustically.

Sykes' brows shot skyward. "Just yours, my friend. It's easy to know what you're thinking."

Dark snorted. "Any particular reason?"

He shrugged. "I know you well."

Dark took the stool across the table from Sykes. The first mate continued to study the chart, determining the best course of action.

"You disapprove, then?" he asked of Sykes.

"I have nothing but fondness for her," Sykes replied. He glanced up at Dark with a sly grin. "It's you I disapprove of."

The captain scoffed and re-crossed his arms. "Good judgment on your part."

Sykes chuckled quietly, then said, "If our suspicions are correct, he'll be heading back to the Caribbean."

"Zaina will be overjoyed," Dark muttered.

Sykes peered at him from under his brows, but didn't comment. "He's always bought slaves in order to bury his loot. And you've confirmed that he buries it there, yes?"

Dark nodded. "It's always the same. He's a creature of habit."

"Good. Then we can be on our way."

Sykes rolled up his chart and stowed it safely in his vest pocket, then pushed aside the stool and table. He took the wheel, adjusting their course, while Dark went to the rail and shouted his orders to the men down below.

The ship became a beehive of activity as the crew faithfully stowed whatever they were doing and prepared the vessel for sea. Long minutes passed where the two men stood in silence, eyes on the endless horizon.

From the corner of his eyes, Dark spotted Zaina climbing up to the crow's nest. Impulsively, he thought about following her, then decided better.

He glanced at Sykes, who was utterly carefree as usual, enjoying the dying heat of the sun and the light winds. The first mate spun the wheel, pointing their bow westward. Dark shielded his eyes against the harsh red light of the setting sun, knowing that his time for action was running out.


Lazily, Tallera trailed her fingers over the starboard rail, her fingernails tapping every so often as she walked. She would weave occasionally, instinctively dodging others as they worked.

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