Chapter Nine

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Studying the fresh scars encircling his arm, one brow raised so high in speculation that it kissed his hairline, Dark sighed. It did nothing to lighten his mood.

He gingerly touched the angry red scar. He could still feel the sting of the whip as it coiled around the length of his arm. The only good news was that he still had full use of the limb. Testing this, he extended his arm, twisting it this way and that. The scar was indeed unique; spiraling upwards from his forearm to his shoulder. The captain grinned. It would make for an interesting story.

Pain erupted in his side as hands rudely tightened the bandages restricting his ribs.

"Stop moving," Kasper commanded, reassuring himself that the bandages were secure.

Dark grumbled under his breath. "This is wholly unnecessary."

Kasper stood, giving him a stern glance. "What is unnecessary is your reckless abandon. It is childish."

Dark bristled at the rash comment. His frown returned. "I am your superior, show some respect."

Kasper glared, undaunted. "And I am your elder. You should heed my words."

Before Dark could respond, his cook gathered up his medical equipment and left, passing Sykes on his way out.

In his usual nonchalant tone, the first mate remarked, "I do hope our lady the sea does not adopt that stormy look on yer face."

Dark let out a growl, emphasizing the thunderous expression on his face. "I'm not in the mood, Sykes."

"Anger only burns he who holds onto it...or something like that." Sykes shrugged. "Although anger does seem to be in our midst today. I daresay the Devil himself is with us."

The captain stopped midway as he seated himself behind his desk. Dark wasn't a particularly superstitious man, and, as far as he knew, neither was Sykes. The warning in his words caught Dark off guard. He leaned his elbows on his desk, tapping one foot impatiently. Sykes stood across from him—smiling, the madman—ready to deliver whatever unwelcome news he had brought.

Dark sighed. "Yes, Sykes?"

Sykes actually chuckled. Dark barely hid his affront. "Zaina has been lookin' fer ye." Sykes barely got the words out from between his clenched teeth, struggling not to let the ridiculous smile widen.

Dark visibly paled. "Zaina..." he said slowly, as if not comprehending.

Sykes made a show of regaining his composure. "Aye, cap'n. In a right fury, the lass was. Came thunderin' towards me like the ocean herself. Said she wanted to see ye about something."

Dark unconsciously rubbed his injured arm. "I see.

Sykes nodded at Dark's bandaged torso. "I doubt Kasper will be able to piece ye together again after this."

Dark's mouth thinned into a grim line. "Me too."

As if on cue, Zaina herself entered, swinging the door to the captain's cabin open so wildly, she nearly ripped it off its hinges. She stomped towards his desk, murderous intent in her eyes. Dark was suddenly thankful for the solid wood of the desk between himself and the woman. Sykes calmly moved to shut the door, but didn't leave, watching the scene play out before him. Dark scowled at him when he noticed that a ghost of a smile still played across Sykes' mouth.

"What in God's name is wrong with you!?" Zaina shouted in Dark's face.

Dark stood, ignoring the pain this caused his ribs. "Zaina..." he started calmly, meaning to reassert himself as captain. He knew she hated being treated as his underling, but at the moment he saw no other way to defuse the situation.

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