Chapter Twelve

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One morning when I awoke, I suddenly didn't feel so weighed down. I wiggled my fingers, testing this. I felt a smile crease my face as I raised first my arms, one by one, then my uninjured leg. Very carefully, I raised myself up on my elbows. Based on the light coming in the windows, it was very early. The sun was just rising on the watery horizon; red, orange and yellow shrapnel pierced the waves.

I took in a breath, feeling more relief flood me as my lungs worked without restriction or difficulty. I was back to normal. Almost. My leg wasn't healed quite yet.

It was then that I realized I wasn't alone. Johnny was standing next to the bed, smiling broadly down at me. "You're awake" he stated, kneeling down. I noticed the bowl of steaming broth he held in his hands.

"You shouldn't be. How early is it?" I asked, accepting the spoonful of broth he offered.

"Early," he said, smiling cheekily.

I sighed. "Have you been up all night watching over me?"

Johnny nodded. "Only for the last few hours or so. Raoul was here before that."

I choked on the second spoonful. "How many people have been in here looming over me as I slept?"

Johnny's eyes widened ever so slightly. "Well...the captain ordered us to..."

At the mention of Dark, I bristled like an agitated cat. "Where is he?"

Johnny shifted his weight, trying to spoon feed me more soup. I clamped my lips together and stared him down sternly. He gave in. "He's you want me to go get him?"

I paused. I then snatched the bowl from Johnny, drinking down the hot liquid. It burned all the way down. I passed it back to my friend. "No."

Johnny looked uncertain. "Zaina?"

"If you see Kaspar, please tell him thank you. I'm feeling much better."

I expected Johnny to leave me then, so I could continue to work through the whirlwind of thoughts that continued to give me a headache. I needed to sort them out before I could even think of being near Dark again.


I looked up. "What?" I snapped.

Johnny, to my surprise, blushed crimson. "Um...Kaspar told me when you woke up to...t-to..."

"What is it?" I asked in a gentler tone.

Johnny cleared his throat and pointed to the other side of the Captain's cabin. In the other corner stood a large metal tub, surrounded by a thin white sheet for privacy. A bath? I was supposed to take a bath?

Johnny must have read my thoughts. "Kaspar said it's important for you to get clean. Don't want to make it worse," he added, nodding at my leg.

I tested it. I could bend it, but it was sore and stiff. I would have to move slowly. Maybe it was a good idea to clean it...I could certainly use the release of tension in my muscles.

Johnny held out his arm. I moved to grab it so he could help me up. I could stand, but I limped and had to lean on Johnny. We reached the white curtain, and I released his arm. I turned to him and noticed he was still standing there, head bowed, face burning red.

"Johnny," I muttered.

"Zaina?" his voice cracked.

I tried to suppress a laugh. "You can go. I can undress by myself."

Johnny's head snapped up. His face was so relieved I was almost insulted. He murmured a quick thanks and scurried out the door, bowl in hand. I let out an unladylike snort of a laugh and quickly stuffed my hand in my mouth to quiet the sound.

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