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It was a warm summer day in the lands of Ina, there in a remote but peaceful village, a nal was relaxing under the shade. Letting the breeze cool her off as she chews on a piece of straw. She seemed to be be dozing peacefully at least, with her eyes closed until she heard footsteps coming close to her, causing her to open her eyes.

"Morning Alicia." spoke a young woman, peering over the sleeping nal with a warm smile on her face. A purification nal that wore an oversized coat over her body, so nothing of definite features can be shown very obviously.

 A purification nal that wore an oversized coat over her body, so nothing of definite features can be shown very obviously

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"What do you mean morning, it's mid-afternoon." Alicia said with a sigh, getting up and then facing the purification nal, a grin on her face, "So? How did things go, Sayori?"

"I was able to secure cheap lodging for the night, and they were willing to toss in a free meal if we help clean the inn." Sayori spoke in a happy glee.

"Cleaning huh. . ." having to speak in a rather displeased tone as Alicia sat up from the tree she was leaning against, "Ah well, it'll be a pain, but its better than paying. So where was it exactly do we plan on headed? After we pass by this little town?"

"Shiying is where we're headed, we should make it in a few more days of walking as we continue to head north. But of course, there's no rush."

"Cool, and how that concealing potion holding up?" Alicia, once she had fully gotten to stand up, walked on over to lift Sayori's hood slightly, taking a peek at her facial features, especially where her ears would be.

"It's still active, but Im sure it'll wear off before the sun sets." Sayori responded, once her friend had gotten a good look, she gently pushed her hand off her hood, so she can pull it down, "Ina's a peaceful place, but we can never be too careful."

Here in the land of Tor'el Cue, nals cover most of the population, from Fire nals like Alicia, to water, to earth, to wind, to shadows, to poison. Then, you have purification nals, Sayori's race. A rare and almost extinct race of nals, while they were lost in history, they wander about now in hiding. For they bare no rights as citizens. Bearing no rights makes them no different from cattle, cattle to be passed around, breed, and proccessed. Like a repeated cycle, for centuries. The only hope the species can have is to be saved by someone of royal blood. A purification nal that is of the royal line finally take action and earn a place to be called home.
Sayori. . . was that very royal, a young 180 princess accompanied by a Ardedrac'nal who was rasied in a country full of nal hunters. They travel around, from country to country, hoping to find a way to release the species from it's eternal prison. Before they become extinct.

"I heard there's a Mage's Guild near the borders of Shiying, " Sayori spoke, the two having to already head inside of the inn they rented a room at. Cleaning the kitchen floors of dust using a broom and dustpan.

"Mage Guilds are sketchy." Alicia responded, having a clear look of discomfort, as her forearms down to her hands were drenched in water from having to wash the bed sheets, "Fuckers who depend on magic are unpredictable, not only that they try to reach past what shouldn't be touched. . . ugh- why the hell do I have to wash the sheets by the way?! I hate having my scales drenched like this!"

"The innkeeper asked you to, thats why." Sayori would say this, however she would lowkey admit that she found Alicia's displeasure slightly amusing, "Do you want to switch then?"

"We should've switched much earlier!" she complained, however getting up anyways so Sayori can sit down, shaking the access water off and stretching her back that it made a few popping sounds.

"But Shiying's a nice place, so I doubt they'd be bad. Let's just visit for a quick moment, maybe they can sell us mana potions and the like." Sayori set her broom down, having to walk over and sit on the stool Alicia had just sat on a few moments ago, "Please~?"

Alicia looked at Sayori, who seemed to be staring back with puppy dog eyes. It took only a few seconds of silence for the Ardedrac'nal to let out a loud sigh, then taking in an inhale, and slowing a puff of smoke in Sayori's face, breaking her pleading expression and causing her to cough.

"We'll visit, however we're booking it outta there the very fucking moment things could end wrong got it?" Alicia said, aggressively sweeping away.

"Hak- Hak- o-okay-!! Th-ank yooou-!!" having to fan the smoke away from her face, she gave Alicia a happy-go-lucky smile, "The fox shrine isn't going anywhere, so a quick stop wouldn't hurt us!"

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