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After what would be a week or two of travels, the trio finally made it in one of the villages of Jasujeong. Fields of rice and crops greet the group as they hitchhiked on a passing carriage to make it to the city.

"It looks like Opal is in a full out war now." Elise spoke, as she read the recent newspaper that resided in the carriage, reading it to pass the time, "Since two of the seasons are decking it out, the whole land is in fire and ice."

"Well hopefully they'll take each other out in the process," Alicia commented, taking a bite out of a fresh apple, "Besides, its a bunch of racists that are getting what's deserved of them, so I really don't care less."

"Come on you guys, we shouldn't say such bad stuff or it'll bounce back on us." Sayori huffed at the both of them, "Plus, we're entering a new city now, so we should focus on the good sights."

"The sights are alright. It's just some shitty hills and farms. Big deal."

"I'm sure the inside of the city would be great, its a completely different culture than what we're normally used to right?" Elise closed the newspaper and went to join Sayori on the outside ends of the carriage, "I'm pretty excited. At best I've only visited Lunar City, so everything's going to be a fresh experience."

"The question is, how the fuck are we gonna find the fox shrine from here." Alicia finished her apple, pit and all, and leaned against one of the cargo boxes, "Shouldn't it be in Hisui or something?"

"Well, Jasujeong has the Tiger Shrine, Bismuth has the Phoenix Shrine, then Hisui has the Fox Shrine I think, but they're all supposed to be hidden. Not easy to access unless you're in desperate need of something." Sayori spoke, trying to remember from the top of her head, her hands clasped together, "Im sure if we ask around we can get more information."

"It'll be best to do so quickly then, the weathers gotten colder now. And in another month is the Crystal Nights. It's gonna be harder to travel in the snow I bet." Elise added on to that.

"I mean, we're not in any particular rush, so we can wait till the winter season passes."

That comment Sayori made irked Alicia a bit, but kept her silence until they reached the gates of the city. Thanking and tipping the owner of the carriage, the group made their way through the gates. It was bustling with people walking left and right. Lively, but a different kind of lively than one would normally be used to in the more western cities. It was difficult to know where exactly to start.

"Well, I think first off we should find an inn to stay at." Elise spoke, "Luckily thanks to the guild pass I have, we can find a good inn at a discounted price."

"That's true, I'm very interested in staying at an eastern style inn, so we should get going!" Sayori tugged the other two along, into the heart of the passing crowd. Holding onto each of them tightly so they wouldn't get separated.

Suddenly there was a shout of a woman, not too far from the group.
"야-!! 도둑이!! You-!! Catch that thief!!"

The woman was very clearly speaking to Alicia, as a rugged looking man charged in her direction. Without a moments hesitation, Alicia went and swooped her leg under, tripping the theif and causing him to drop the jewelry he had dropped in his bag. One smooth motion, Alicia got on top of the man and restrained him, kept him still until a tall, 7ft tiger beastkin came closer. A snow white tiger and fancy-like hanbok that stood out of the crowd. Stopping in front of the three a bit out of breath.

"Aah- Thank you, that chase would have ended up a lot longer had you not interfered." she went ahead and grabbed the criminal with ease, "You can call me Kim Nari."

"Alicia." was all she answered, as the other two got caught off guard and ended up forgetting to introduce themselves.

"Oh- Elise Starriet-! From the uh- mag- Witch's Tower!"

"Sayori, uh- just Sayori."

Nari gave out a nod, "Hm, Alicia, Elise, and Sayori. It's good to meet you! The empress will reward you heavenly!"

"The queen?" Sayori blinked, "Just, what did the guy do?"

"This pedo snuck in the crown princess's room and stole not only jewels, but other articles of clothing. I was lucky to catch him in the act. Sloppy work. But nevertheless, he's going to be tortured and put in deaths row, and you guys helped a lot."

"Well, technically Alicia did the deed, plus it's not like- ow-!"

Alicia elbowed Elise suddenly, cutting her off, "Yeah well I'd definitely appreciate it! We just got here after all and we're looking for a place to stay."

"Is that so? Then I will be more than willing to help! Just follow my lead!" she spoke with a smile, turning herself around to get ready and lead the group to the palace.

Alicia was the first to follow, leaving the two rather speechless. Before realizing that they would easily get swept with the crowd if they didn't catch up, so they hurried along. To the center of the city, the Jasujeong Palace. Which, along with the city, was beautiful and serene. As if it belonged with the landscape around them. The trio looked around in awe the very moment they were inside through the main gates. From there, passing by what looked to be more noblemen of the palace, stopped at a building that was right in the center. Two large red doors in front of them looked if anything, intimidating.

"You guys are free to wait here, I am going to converse with the emperor and try to convince him to let you guys stay here." Nari spoke to them with a wink, entering inside and leaving them to wait outside.

"So. . . I guess the entirety of the palace remains outside, in separate buildings." Elise was the first to speak, "It definitely feels different from a castle. . . not that I've honestly been in one to be honest."

"I mean, it's a completely different culture. So it makes sense, but its pretty. . . scary." Sayori spoke, awkward and still nervous, for a good reason.

"Oh please, aren't you a royal too?" Alicia smacked the back of Sayori's body, rather hard at that, "You should get used to this, you might one day live in a palace as grand as this."

"Hey- ack-" the pure'nal let out a cough after getting hit, "Geez- I-I don't know- I prefer smaller places, they're more cozy. . ."

The doors would open once more, as the albino tiger walked right back out with a grin and a thumbs up.
"Good news, you three can stay in the guest rooms for as long as you need! Speaking of which, the Lunar Festival is right around the corner, so you guys should stick around! We have a lot of stuff going on for the entire week." Nari spoke in a gleeful tone, "But yeah, let me escort you to your rooms."

"The Lunar festival, how much longer till that happens?" Elise caught up next to the tiger beastkin to ask.

"I would say in one months time? Its January now right?" Nari said, pondering on the date.

"Uh- no, its still December, plus Crystal Nights is in two more days." Elise said, confused.

"Aah right right, then two months technically huh, well, its no matter. You're free to stay that long anyways." Nari let out a laugh.

As the trio followed the tiger along the way, Sayori took as look around the scenery, as pure, untouched snow covered the land. Then across the sea of white, she saw a woman. With antler like horns, decorated in cherry blossoms, she radiated this sort of aura, and to Sayori, she felt captivated.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2022 ⏰

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