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                Many days have passed since both Alicia and Sayori stayed in the Witch's Tower, and with that time spent they both had gotten to know the members there. With that time spent they had gotten comfortable with the daily routine that happens within the guild. Then also with that time spent both Alicia and Sayori had gotten along with Elise, which was the most important.

"I envy you a lot sometimes," Elise spoke out. Both her and Sayori were in front of the tower, just the two of them, one swinging their sword repeatingly as the other watched, sitting on the soft grass.

"Really? Why's that?" Sayori tilted her head, at the moment it was difficult to find a reason to be envied upon, after all, there was a lot of things why she was more envious of Elise.

"Because you can go and travel! Like, go here and there, have the absolute freedom to do anything, with a lot of stories in your pocket that can last a lifetime!"

"Why don't you travel then yourself?"

"I would, but I worry about my family here a bit, and also, traveling alone I feel is a bit. . . lonely. After all, you're traveling with Alicia right? My dad as well before everything he used to travel with my mom, alongside the guildmaster for the Lunacore Guild, his name is Leon by the way! Though personally I call him uncle."

"O-Oh I see- I guess I can understand that. I mean, I wouldn't think I would get as far as I can without her, since she's pretty strong. But sometimes I feel like a deadweight, since Im not as strong as she is."

Elise put her sword down for now, letting out a sigh, wiping off the sweat with the handkerchief she had in her pocket, before going over and plopping right down next to Sayori, "But, you're fun to be around, I think that would be enough, for me at least it would be enough. Alicia's a good friend of yours, and from my knowledge at least, you don't have to owe your friend anything, its enough for them to be in your company. Besides, you have good qualities, like how you're good at cooking, and you're quick to get along with, like-"

She was about to continue on, but realizing how she would've rambled off, she stopped herself, a slight pink color dusted her cheeks as she turned the other way, clearing her throat. Sayori luckily didn't notice this, but did feel happy with Elise's words. It may be risky, but she felt like she is able to trust her, enough to do the two things she's about to say to her.

"Hey Elise, I. . . haven't been honest with you the past few days I've been here, and I want to apologize for that."

"Apologize? What do you mean?" Elise felt herself get a bit nervous, unsure of what Sayori was talking about.

"It's just, Im pretty much a person that has to go in hiding basically, and exposing my real identity might put me in a lot of danger, but. . . I want to trust you, since you're a really nice person! But. . . yeah, I just- wanted to tell you that-" it was difficult to find the right words, to be frank she realized this was the first time she had to tell someone from her own lips who she was, but she mustered up whatever courage she had left in her system, "I'm not a Gelid'nal, I'm actuall a Purification nal, and a royal one. Also, I wanted to ask if its alright if you'd join us in our travels! C-Cause we're currently trying to find a way for all of our kind to be free and live peacefully. . . but I understand if you don't wish to! It's a heavy burden and I'm sure you don't want to travel with said burden."

"Hey hey- I never said I didn't want to." Elise suddenly said, the twinkle in her eyes sparkled in motivation ever so slighty, she took the sudden rush of news surprisingly well. . . however that was only due to the fact that Elise had no idea who or what a Purificiation nal is. Just the jist of it is they're in trouble and they need help, "I mean, it sounds like we're chosen heroes in a book! So it sounds super cool, I totally want to join! I just need to ask my dad to see if it's alright. Since I am technically leaving the nest  and won't come back till who knows how long. In fact, lets go ask right now!"

Suddenly getting up, she reached over and grabbed the pure'nal's hands and helped pull her up, before excitedly running back inside. Her hand still grasping onto Sayori's. Sayori wasn't sure of the sudden quick pace of development, as was equally surprised as she was getting dragged along ack into the tower. But the excitement in Elise's face also brought a good dose of serotonin, and went alongside her to what could possibly be Edward's own bedroom.

*✭˚・゚✧*・゚*✭˚・゚✧*・゚* *✭˚・゚✧*・゚*✭˚・゚✧*・゚**✭˚・゚✧*・゚*✭˚・゚✧*・゚**✭˚・゚✧*・゚*✭˚・゚✧*・゚*

"I see . . . I think I got the gist of things," spoke Edward, seeming to catch on rather quickly after Sayori explained everything. To inviting Elise to her party, her wanting to join, and of course, of her true identity of being a pure'nal.

"Do you think you can handle it Elise? Traveling is a lot more than you'd expect it to be."

"I am absolutely sure! Besides, I'm an adult now, and I want to be better at my sword, see the same sights you and mom once did, and come back with stories like you have!" Elise spoke with a glimmer of her excitement that was much too obvious to read.

Edward only gave his daughter a chuckle, seeing as how stubborn she would be, "Alright then, I won't oppose to it. But you should take the time to say goodbye to everyone before you leave, including your brother alright? Then only pack what you need."

"Of course I will! Thanks dad, love you!" giving him a quick hug, she rushed on down the stairs to start packing, leaving both Sayori and Edward alone in the room.

"Thank you for trusting me by telling me your true identity. Im sure you've been though a lot, and you have good reasons to hide it away." Edward spoke to her, in that same, calm tone of voice. It was soothing to Sayori, perhaps this is what it feels to have a parent guardian? She wouldn't know since she almost never had the feeling.

"You, accepted and believed me so easily. . . Is it because you're much more older than the rest of us? Oh, you said you used to travel right? Maybe you heard of our kind in the past?" she had to ask him, any sort of information could be proven useful to her after all.

There was a brief pause between the two, before Edward having to shake his head, "No, unfortunately, you're the first Purification'nal royal I've seen."

"Then. . . I don't understand, why are you really quick about accepting that fact? I could be lying."

"Well, first and foremost, I don't think someone will willingly lie that they're an enslaved race in front of other people," Edward chuckled, and that obvious fact had Sayori a bit flustered, having to respond back in an awkward laughter.

"Second, I would want a favor in return, though I can promise it's nothing impossible."

"O-Oh?" Sayori said after composing herself, she thought it should be expected, but even if he reassured her, she really did hope it wasn't anything too out there, "Y-Yeah, sure! I'll do my best to try and fufill it. . . I think?"

Edward laughed once more, "Don't worry, I just wanted to ask if you'd watch over Elise, and have her write letters to me when she can. Despite knowing that she's a grown lady already, I can't help but still worry about her. She's very much like her mother."

Sayori had given a pause, after taking in his words, I mean. . . yeah, it really wasn't an impossible request. This is probably the reason why she felt he was a good enough person so tell the truth to, and at the very least, she was glad to at least have a good judgement on that part. Otherwise she would've gotten twice the long lecture from Alicia for being too naive. 
But, regardless, she gave the wizard a warm smile in return, responding in a kind manner,

"I'll be sure to do so then, thank you."

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