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The chirps of the bush warbler signified that morning had come, and the duo . . . well currently a trio had woken up early to get ready to continue their journey. Sayori was giving her final goodbyes to the members of the Witch's Tower, and had thanked them for their stay and hospitality. While Alicia. . . seemed a bit peeved, and rightfully so. Having to gain a new party member, unlike Sayori, Alicia was more cautious, and because of this, she wasn't too thrilled with Elise joining them further into Shiying. But still, after what seemed like a good hour of argument between herself and Sayori, the decision to bring the little witch along was final. So thus, she can only give out a sigh as she waited for the two to finish their goodbyes, her hands shoved in her pockets.

Elise, was talking with both her father and her brother, since it'll be a long while till she comes back, she wanted to make sure this conversation lasts a bit. Though most of it was basically the both of them nagging at her, making sure she didn't forget anything, making sure she doesn't talk to strangers, the whole spiel of overprotective.

"Thats right, before I forget," Edward suddenly remembered, rummaging in his coat to get something out. The shimmer of gold shined against the sunlight, and at the centerpiece, looked to be a warm piece of ember, glowing in a purple, pinkish hue, "I want you to take this with you."

Elise know instantly by the color alone, she had an uncle, that conviently currently is the headmaster for the five star guild, Lunacore, and he was certainly built. . . different. In a sense.

"Huh-? This isn't like. . . a tracker or some babysitting device now, is it?" she spoke, in a slight grumble since she didn't like the idea, "I said many times already that I'll be fine on my own dad."

"No, it's not that. I want you to wear it just in case something goes majorly bad, think of it as a just in case of an emergency." Edward handed the what looked to be the size of a bracelet in Elise's hands, being rather firm about this, "Please."

Having to notice her father's firmness about it, she gave out a sigh and took the bracelet at hand so she can put it on, as soon as she did, it seemed to shrink a bit, to fit better on her wrist, so it won't slip out easily.

"There, I put it on, I hope there's nothing more, I'm guessing if I get in a really bad pinch Uncle Leon is gonna burst out to help me?"

"Well, that is the overall gist of it, yes." Edward said with a smile, "Do write often okay, and let me know when you run out of money, though despite our noble lineage, it wouldn't hurt to ask when you really need it."

"Yeah of course Dad, I'll be sure to do that." though Elise gave out a laugh, it was more of an awkward one due to the overbearing tone. She gave her father one last hug, then going back to join the other two, "I'll see you later then Dad."

"I'll see you later then Elise." Edward responded back with a wave, watching his only daughter walk away from him. Leaving him with a bit of a saddened feeling.

"Are you guys ready to go?" Elise had asked the both Sayori and Alicia as she approached closer to them.

"Oh yup, ready whenever you are!" Sayori said with a smile, Alicia, seemed to have the opposite. Not even making eye contact with the both of them. Elise took notice of this, however Sayori seemed to shake her head in response. In a way, silently stating that it would be best to leave her be for now. Giving Sayori a nod in return, the three set off on their journey further in the Asian Country, Shiying. To which last time Sayori checked the map, the city closest in their path is Jasujeong, but before anything, as the trio started to walk into the thick forest ahead of them, Sayori walked ahead to catch up with Alicia, who seemed to be wanting some alone time.

"Hey, whats wrong? Are you that upset that Elise is joining us now?" Sayori had asked her.

"I'm not upset," Alicia states, however, by the furrowed eyebrows stuck on her face, Sayori would think otherwise, "I'm just cautious, even if the chick barely knows magic, she's still got magicians blood."

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