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"The air here is so fresh!" exclaimed Sayori, who seemed to take in a large breath of the forest, having finally meet past the borders and into the country of Shiying, "Which way was the Mage's Guild by the way?"

"It shouldn't be too far," having to answer Sayori, Alicia was rather indifferent upon stepping into Shiying soil.

It had been a few days since they had traveled from the inn they had to stay at, past the Lunar City, and then finally past the borders of Shiying. They were walking alongside the forest for the past 30 minutes now. The cool breeze of shade the trees gave to the two of them made the walk rather pleasant, especially with the summer weather. Until they came to a small clearing, and in front of them, stood a semi-tall, old tower that was covered in shrubbery and vines. It had a very rustic feel that looked pleasing to the eye. In front of the tower there seemed to be a young teenage girl swinging her sword repeatingly in the open area. Her vibrant blue hair shone against the suns rays as she took notice of the two when they approached closer.

"Huh? Didn't expect more guests at this time." she spoke, stabbing her sword into the dirt and wiping the small beads of sweat that were running down the side of her chin, "Are y'all in the Lunacore Guild too and you forgot something? Then again, never saw your faces here."

"Lunacore-?" Sayori questioned, "No, we're not from the five star guild unfortunately. We just wanted to check out the guild here because you guys specialize in magic and stuff, and I just think thats super amazing! If you're okay with strangers, haha."

"I mean, I'm sure it'll be fine?" the swordswoman said with a tone of uncertainty, scratching the back of her neck, "I don't know actually, we recently had an incident of intruders so we're trying to be a bit strict with security nowadays."

"Well, if you can't then it can't be helped." Alicia was the next person to speak, ruffling Sayori's hair as she stuggled a bit to get the Ardedrac'nal's hand off, "Just direct us to the closest town and we'll be out of your hair."

"Well, let me ask my father first, you both seem like good folk after all. Just wait here a bit!" the swordswoman spoke, suddenly running off and into the tower, leaving the two be. Alicia had a very pain-in-the-ass sort of expression on her face as she saw her run off.

Sayako seemed to take notice of that, as she ended up asking her, "Why do you dislike magicians that much? It's like you have a personal vendetta with them."

". . . Well-" Alicia started to speak, but having difficulty trying to find them, she wasn't able to say much, "The ones I saw- or you know, had experience with- was at Opal and they were researching nals and bestials. I don't know the hell why, but with the rumors that you can get snatched up and mutated to their hearts desire isn't exactly pleasant now, is it?"

Opal was a country full of humans, and because of this, they were racially against any nal kind. Which is why the term, dragon hunters, is common there. They hunt down other nals in fear they'd turn into bestials. A form only nals can take. However its a very twisted, deformed state of a nal, turning them completely into monsters. Which makes it a mystery why they end up turning into them, and that mystery strikes fear on the other species. Especially the weak. But while they fear nal kind, they also worship warlocks dubbed as seasons. Spring, Summer, Fall, and then Winter. Powerful yet chosen people that had to be born in Opal to help the country from the said bestials. Their treatment truly is however, no different from how some would worship gods and goddesses. A rather shrewd country full of shrewd people.

"I see. . .but we shouldn't assume every one would be like that." Sayori spoke, she looked a bit saddened by the tone of her voice, "After all, this isn't Opal, and if they had wanted to do anything, they would've done so already."

Alicia only let out a small grunt in response, seeing the swordswoman return to the both of them, waving over with a wide grin smeared on her face.

"Hey!! Dad said it's okay! So head on up!" she shouted.

The two nals looked at each other for a moment, Alicia then giving out a sigh and then walking forward. Sayako having to follow behind afterwards. Entering the tower only to be greeted by two people. A sheep beastkin man and a Umbro'nal woman, standing and waiting for the both of them.

"Oh right, introductions. I haven't done that at all yet!" the swordswoman clapped her hands together, then facing the two, "I'm Elise. Elise Starriet of the Starriet family. Also the Witch of the Stars. Over here is one of the first few members that have joined the guild, Witch of Illusions, Anya. Then one of our family servants, Charleston."

Charleston gave both Alicia and Sayako a friendly grin, greeting the both of them with a bow. Anya on the other hand, only looked at the both of them up and down, then giving out a huff.

"It's nice to meet you guys, I'm Sayako, and then my traveling companion, Alicia. We'll be in your care for the time being, and I thank you for letting us in and placing your trust in us." Sayako said, a bright smile in return towards the group.

"I mean, it's not like we're the ones who decided it, it was Ed." Anya finally spoke, an exhausted tone in her voice that seemed to linger, "I swear that old man's a walking doormat, and he has a bad habit of not letting go of strays that wander about. Fucking- then there was that one he and Amber picked up before they even made the guild decided to up and leave us like, 'Oh I wanna make my own guild~' I SWEAR TO ERIS if I see that flaming fucker it's ON SIGHT!!"

"Anyways you guys can go ahead and take one of the brooms to head on up. My dad's on the very top right now, and I can lead the way." Elise, ignoring the Umbro'nal as she continues to rant, "Don't mind Anya right now. Ever since her, Henry, and Keith came back from their expedition, she's been complaining like that as soon as she heard the Lunacore Guild came to visit earlier."

As soon as Elise grabbed one of the brooms that were leaning against the wall, she took a firm grip on it as she simply started floated up, not having to ride it. Sayako was fasinated by this, and enthusiastically went over to grab a broom, to imitate what she saw. It took a few minutes, but eventually she to would start floating, very slowly. Alicia would follow suit eventually.

The trio having to reach the top of the tower, they were greeted with a quaint study room full of stacked books and papers. Herbs hanging on the wall and then a cauldron collecting dust in the corner. It was rather messy, but at the same time it made it rather comfy in a way. There, a young looking man with long, blue hair sat on the desk, busy writing down papers that he didn't notice the three of them come in until Elise called out to him.

"Hey dad," Elise would had to catch his attention by knocking against the wall nearby her, "The two people I just told you are here."

"Oh? Is that so?" His voice, despite his youthful looks, sounded deep, however and a very gentle tone about it, as he looked up to the two of them and gave them a very warm, welcoming smile.
"Welcome, I'm the guild master of the Witch's Tower, Edward Starriet. May I know your names?"

"Alicia Ignita," being the first to introduce herself, taking a step forward and raising her hand for a handshake, "I'm an Ardedrac'nal that is able to spew out blue fire, which is hotter than red fire."

"Uh- I'm Sayori... just Sayori." the pure nal fumbled in her words. She knew she couldn't right off the bat state who she is, as it would bring great risk. Even if they seem nice, so if anything she felt guilt for having to lie, "I'm- a Gelid'nal, but I'm not as strong as Alicia is, so I cant really do any fancy magic tricks. But I'm thankful that you'll let us stay here, even for a moment!"

". . .Think nothing of it," Edward simply let out a chuckle, "You look tired after traveling for a while, and if my daughter trusts that you're good people, then that's all I need. Elise, be sure to guide them to the guest rooms, alright?"

"Sure thing! This way then dear esteemed guests~" she hummed in a tune as she lead the way, back down the stairs. She felt rather happy, seeing new people, and hopefully, she would get along with them well. No, she definately would! After all, she was optimistic, the happiness of the Starriet Family!

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