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            " ...time doesn't hear if you ask it to wait...time doesn't hear so roll with the waves..."

~Imagine Dragons~


"Run little girl."


I was sweating.

I was struggling to breathe, taking big gulps of air but they did not seem to be sufficient for my burned out heart.
My feet threatened to give way as twigs and branches mercilessly ripped my skin. Blood trickled down my skin painting my already dark skin a sickening crimson color.

I did not look back. I can not dare look back. I know what's behind me I've seen that terrifying image more times to have it permanently imprinted in my brain.

Finally my poor feet had had enough and I fell onto the damp ground, thorns of the already budding rose flowers tearing my flesh.
I felt the thing behind me and this time I dared to turn around, but was met with the hammer being dropped to my head.

I screamed and woke with a start. Nightmares were a regular occurrence but I was yet to get used to the state they left me in.

I sighed looking around in my pathetic studio apartment, trying to cool my erratic beating heart and laboured breaths.

The place was nothing much. Just a small studio apartment in not the best neighborhood. I could not complain much as this was a small price I had to pay for freedom. At least I had a good neighbor that even went out of her way to get me a spot at an interview in a company. I wonder how she did it seeing I did not have proper documents on me. She says the pay is good and that is all I could ask for.

For almost five months I've been living on my own, surviving with the little I 'Borrowed' from my savior. I feared using my credit. I knew they'd be watching, waiting for a little slip up and they'd come and drag me back... or worse kill me. What I had done is considered nothing less of treason in the eyes of my father.


" I hope this works"

I get prepared, putting on the formal blouse I had to borrow from Emily. I skip breakfast, not that it was in my budget to have one, and got Emily to drive me to the city.

Emily was a weird girl. She was tall with legs going on for days but were covered mostly by the long flowy skirts she wore and boots she never seemed to take off. Auburn hair, held back by a vibrant red scarf, with a freckled face to match, nails long and painted in variations of oranges, browns and yellows, colors that seem to be her favorite as they are what cover the walls and floors of her apartment. Emily does not talk much but she always has this smile plastered on her face.

She gives me that same smile and motions with her head out and it is when I the tall looming building. I wave her goodbye, take a big breath and watch as she drives away with the promises of picking me up after.

I walk to the reception and couldn't help but notice the disgusted looks of the secretary. I lower my eyes, fear and uncertainty slamming me so hard I almost stumble back. This just being another reminder that the world is different from what I thought.
"H_hello am here for the int....."
I did not get to finish before she interrupted me.

"50th floor! I hope you brought all your luck Blackie!"

She racked her eyes through me and kisses her teeth in a disgusted way. Yeah the world can be cruel!. It was such a rude awakening that sometimes I wish I did not run away.
I quickly avert my eyes and scan around the huge lobby.
Immediately I spotted the elevators and my heart fell to the empty pit of my stomach, reminding me I had had nothing to eat yet.

I stood there for a moment to look for an alternative way up.

"Ummm ok ca...."

"Elevators!50th floor!" She snapped to my face.

Tears threatened to spill and I felt my lips tremble.I was both angry and fear.
If my father were here, he would surely have given me something to really cry about.

That nightmare didn't kill me but now am surely going to die.

I am claustrophobic.

It is something my father found delight in. Always finding ways to lock me in that dreadful place he had specifically made for me. If he were here, he would surely be ecstatic to watch me have the mini panic attack I was experiencing.

I stand there to let the persons beside me walk in first as I gather my courage.
Taking in a big breath I enter, going straight to the back of the elevators.
It's not going to be so bad! I try to encourage myself with that thought,but as soon as the elevators started moving I find myself clutching onto someone's hand.
I did not for the life a moment dare look up at the person.
I was afraid of the anger and contempt I'd find there,so I just focused on the hand I was holding and noticed I had gripped it a little too hard that it was bleeding a little.

I panicked!

My heart rapidly beating for a different reason now. He was going to reprimand me, shout at me to let go and grow up. I was sure about that as I meekly stole a quick glance but luckily the man did not seem in the least bit affected in any way, but I could not stop the shaking of my hands as I tried to let go and reach for the small supply of Band-Aids I always carry around and a little bottle of antiseptic.
Rule number one of living with people who get into dangerous situations, and have a knack for always hurting you for their pleasure, is to learn basic aid caregiving skills. And by gods haven't I had plenty... no countless learning opportunities?!

I quickly took a band aid and covered the small wound. By the time I had finished we were already on the fiftieth floor.
I hurriedly scurried off so that the man could not get the chance to scold me for my brutality, only to bump into a huge man who only sneered at me in irritation and brushed past me, followed by the man from the elevator and my head instantly hung in embarrassment. If my skin was any lighter my cheeks would be a cherry red.

I stumble to the secretary's desk and silently mumble my name. She smiles brightly at me and point to the waiting chair that were almost full. I look at the waiting persobs, with bundles of documents each held and suddenly my stomach drops. I fiddled with the borrowed blouse, the burner phone burning holes in my bag as the urge to call Emily suddenly rushed through me.

However much I wanted to up and run as fast as I could, I swallowed the bile in my throat and steeled myself as much as I could. I needed this, and Emily was sure as rain that I will get the job.

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