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"Beautiful eyes, dreadful secrets"



I shouted into the huge house but was only greeted by mild echoes of my voice.

I was a panic mess in the inside. My mother has called. Tears in her voice as she tried to mumble words I could not understand. My thought was my father

When my mother calls me sounding like that , there is always one big problem. My father!

Mom could always handle dad, but not in the recent months. She was seven months pregnant with the biggest belly I've seen in my life.

I have to find her!

"Hello Alexander."

Before I could drown in panic of thoughts of what might have happened I heard her calling sweetly to me. I turned, finding mother and instantly raked through her body for any injuries.

"What happened!"

"Nothing." came a completely calm reply.

" Your father wanted to talk to you." she smiled widely clasping her hands behind her as she sways back and forth. I turn to leave before I was abruptly stopped by my father's voice.

"Let's talk about your love life." My fathers voice just sounded like it always does. Low, gruff and full of authority and ice cold.

"What!" I was not in the least bit amused. I turned to my still smiling mother and found her looking at me from under her lashes, a pout on her lips. I narrowed my eyes at her, anger rising in me fast as realization of what this was dawned on me.

Oh no!. Oh no! No! No!

I legitimately thought something had happened to her, and what does he mean by 'talk about your love life!'
Not that! Anything else but not that. My anger turned to rage and I turned to my father, finding icy blue eyes already staring me down.

People tend to be scared of my father. His large build was intimidating and the many tattoos that littered his body, though appealing only added to the whole dangerous mafia boss vibe he has. His posture was always straight and face void of any emotion. However, what caused fear to crawl up one's skin was cold look in his striking icy blue eyes that rivaled the color of the deepest of oceans, only made more prominent by his white blond hair. My father was a beautiful man, a beautifully dangerous man.

I had once that same hair color but dyed it black out of spite.

Now only my roots hairs hold the evidence of our heavily shared genetics.

Blue eyes on half artificial grey.I did not drop the gaze. I could not! I held on hoping he would see everything my eyes had to say and let the matter go.
I knew what he wanted to say about it. My father though cold hearted he somehow had room to love my mother. Though that love bordered obsession more.

Father wants me to marry, but only to someone he chooses for me. Just like his father chose for him.

"Alex you need to get married...Alex it's time you settled...Alex...Alex...Alex! You need to forget and start over!"

I was not in the moods to do this honestly.

"What about it?!" I asked my words getting out through gritted teeth. He sighs, tearing his gaze from mine.

"Your love life is non-existent"

I know.

" I know! and whose fault is that?! I asked before I could stop myself and one could taste the hate and venom those words carried.

His jaw ticked and he balled his fists.
I loved it when I make him angry. Given that's that's the only emotion he ever express towards me.

"There's nothing to talk about then." I said about to leave.

"Alex I have a girl for you_"

"No, Dominic.No!"


"The last girl you had for me almost killed me! And you killed those I had even a slight interest in.So no!"

"I was protecting you. All were just sent to spy on us, you know that."

"Aria too. She was fucking pregnant!"

I hear my mother gasp from my side, no doubt holding her stomach protectively. He did not tell her of this particular act of protection I see.

My father's jaw ticked several times, but no other reaction came from him. I expected nothing less from that. I turned to take my leave when he speaks a gain.

"She is missing. She was on her way to this house before she was abducted."

"Who is she?" my mother was the one to ask as she waddled to my fathers side staring at him eyes full of question. He did not however look towards her, but fixed his cold eyes to me, as he stood up my mother's hand in his as he turned to leave.

"His wife."

And I swear I saw his eyes twinkle with something.


That was short but I promise it will get better.

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