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    " You push and you push and I'm pulling away, pulling away from you, I give and I give and I give and you take from me..."

~5 S.O.S~


"She is here"

"Who?' Brad asked, eyeing me with the blue eyes that annoyingly run in the family... well mostly. His were a bit lighter but did not lack the coldness like our father's.

I point to the job application documents on my desk, and in response he just stared pointedly at me.

" you are oddly calm about it." Brad noted.

I was not, because I had a plan that I did not belive was going to work. A simple and plain plan! Find her and take her back home. I could not afford being tied to another person. Not now and surely not on terms that are not my own.

" But don't you think this is all wrong." I had a gut feeling about this. "She was kidnaped. Kidnaped people don't come looking for jobs Brad."

He just looks at me with his infuriating stoic face and hums. And for a moment I did not think he would answer

"You belive father?!" He asked boring into me with those cold icy blue eyes, eerily similar to the said man. I stared into his eyes and he must have seen the hurt and hatred that always arise with the mention of our father, as he cleared his throat and looked away. Brad did not like our father, but I...?! I despised the man!

As if I did not know any better. Apart from Fifi, Brad was the only other person I trusted to death.

I dial Lucy, Brad's P.A. She is an elderly woman who has wits about her despite being over persistent and an over friendly woman who could not stop talking at times. How they managed to tolerate each other was lost to me.

"You could just give Lucy to me you know. It will make us both happy, me mostly, but well..."

It would not make him happy, nor her for that matter. Brad and Lucy had a love hate relationship that with time grew to absolute attachment.

"No" He barked out just before Lucy entered smiling widely at her boss. He did not reciprocate the smile but instead nod his head in acknowledgement. She did not seemed phased as she turned that overly bright smile my way.

" Lucy please send Rain in first."

She looks at me quizzically, her smile dimming to a frown. Without asking the questions that were obviously bubbling inside her she turned and left.

Sigh! If only I had a Lucy.

I hear a timid knock, and a girl stumbled in. She slowly approached the desk, hands clutching her blouse and eyes staring at anything but me.

I could not stop staring, and I knew Brad could not too. And maybe this was the reason she seemed to be on the brink of hyperventilating. If not for the fact I really studied the file on her details provided to me, it would have taken me more than the quick glance we shared at the elevators to know it was really her. Her voluminous locks were now replaced by a very short afro, her nose and ears devoid of any ring.

"Look at me!"

I watched as she visibly shrinks further into herself, eyes remain cast down.

I stood, and stalked toward her, gripping her chin forcing her to look at me.

"You are not bugged?!" I said more to myself than anyone, eyebrows slightly raising in question. I had turned on the bug detectors in the room expecting them to instantly go off. Then I would have know the motives or one behind whatever set up this was, because it had to be. It was not a coincidence, it was too perfect to be one.

"Who brought you here, Rain?" I asked but she could not for dear life answer. She was now not breathing. Her eyes bulging as thy were fixed on my face. I know what she was seeing and I could not blame her as fear shook her to the bones. Cold piercing blue eye and a striking grey eye with a deep scar running from the brow down half my cheek. That was my twelfth birthday present from my lovely father.

"Breath beautiful."

She inhaled a deep breath and exhaled a stream of tears she seemingly was holding in. Her shaking had not stopped as she struggled in vain to release herself from my grip.

"I-I k-kno-know y-you!" Her eyes widened in realization as her breathing increased, her struggle becoming one of determination. From her reaction she knew more than who I was. My hold on her arm tighten as I braced myself for the typical cornered prey behavior of lashing out, kicking and screaming to be let go, but was then surprised when she slumped dejectedly.

"Nice to finally meet you."

I smirked at her, as I let her go.

"Ki-ki-ll m-e"

My smirk turned into a full blown smile. I trace the beautiful dark cheek, skin feeling too soft.

"And why would I do that angel?"

Death was the easy way out. Always the easy way out. Glad to know she would choose death than get married to me. It was extreme, to want to die over marrying me but who can blame her. I wouldn't want any more people getting tangled up in my life, the less the better, but I will not kill her.

This would be a lot easier than I originally thought. I brushed away the tears on her eyes and brought her face more closer to mine. Blue and grey eyes met dark brown eyes that almost seemed black.

" Ju-ju-s-st do-don't t-t-ak-e me back . He w-wil-l-l k-kill m-e"

"And I care because...?!"

She burst into another round of sobs as I release her face and move to sit comfortably on my office chair eyes never once leaving her.

" I am curious you see, Rain. Tell me who kidnaped you"

" I-I w-as n-n-no-not ki-d-dna-ped. I-I w-was..."

She paused, swallowed the lump that seemed to be restricting her vocal cords and looked at me dejectedly.


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