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                      "-summertime sadness-"
                   ~    Lana Del Ray ~


I could not tear my eyes away from her.
I looked from the dainty fingers she was nervously rubbing on her skirt to my brother only to find him already looking at me.

Impassively, I stand up, grab her wrists and forced her up. She looked at me with a start, fresh tears pooling in her brown-black owlish eyes. She was not bad to look at. In another situation I would have stopped to appreciate   her.

" Speak!I said voice coming out more steely than before.
I was never one for pleasantries. That was all my brother. Though, I could understand why he wanted this to drag out.

"I i-i can't! He'll kill me!

"I will kill you. Start talking." I calmly said.

I could see- almost fell the fear that seized her body. For someone who was begging for death moments ago, I could not believe she feared it that much.

"Just kill me." I will not say a thing. She seemed to silently say.

'So it's not fear for death'. I mused.

I think am growing soft, if I can't even make this little mouse in front of me afraid. I wonder what it was that she feared that much.
Before I could question her, my cellphone rings out loud.
"Pick it up." I said without  looking away from her. I heard Alex sigh before he picked up the phone from the table. With another sigh he picked it up.
" What!" He bit out coldy.

"Say that shit again." Alex turns to me, pressing on the speaker button and Joe's voice blared.

"Get out of the office!They are coming to get her!"

I didn't wait to hear who they were. Tightening my hold on her wrists, I dragged her to the secret elevator by the wall.

" He's found me!" Rain gasped in horror her body tensing up. She looked dazed, not putting up any fight as I dragged her to the waiting car.
I pushed her in, hurriedly diving in after her, Alex already driving away.

" What the fuck!" Alex voiced out his displeasure as he angrily hit the steering wheel. "Fuck!"

Fuck indeed.

It's not everyday we are forced to escaped like scared sheep being chased by a wolf. Rather it was always the opposite. We never ran in the face of danger. We were danger!

Alex picked the phone from where he threw it on the passager seat, Joe's call still ongoing.
"Better have a fucking good explanation!"

"It's hundreds of them..." Joe groaned his breathing coming out in loud strained pants.

"Have you been shot!" Alex was enraged. And so was I.

"How many!" With how clipped my voice was, he knew better than to lie.

"Six... Or more?!"

I was going to fucking kill them.

"Turn back!" I said cooly.

"No. You can not! You don't understand!"

"Fuck understanding!" Alex angrily shout.

This one time, I agreed with my brother. We had to go back and give those motherfuckers what they deserve.

I turned to Rain, but what met me wa a blank face, the only indication she was crying earlier are the dried out tear marks running down her cheeks.
She was eerily silent. The little fear striken murmurs of "he has found me" completely gone from her mouth, eyes staring at me were still dazed making her seem to be in her own world.

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