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Rosé couldn't lie.

Not being alone anymore felt weird.

She had been waiting for the brunette to join her for long already, yet she had always kept her expectations low. Absolutely everyone in her life had let her down at some point, and she was sure that it was only a matter of time until Jennie did too. After all, there was a reason she had been alone all her life. No one was trustworthy, not even her.

...Except that wasn't completely true. She was different.

Rosé didn't want to be careful with her like she was with anyone. She felt like for once, she could let herself fall, trust her blindly even if she was putting her own life at risk by doing so. The woman had a feeling that no matter what she did, she couldn't disappoint her.

Jennie Kim was never meant to be a good person, Rosé was well aware of that. The evil within her was only begging to be released, for her to let it show to the whole world. She was doing the brunette a favor, letting her be herself, show her true colors to the world. It was only the beginning, and Rosé couldn't wait to see just how bad the detective really was.

The young woman was taking a huge risk, that she knew. At any second, the pretty brunette could let her down and Rosé would be done for. But so what? She was tired of being careful.

The danger, the thrill of it all- oh, it tasted delicious.

Yet, it didn't change the fact that Rosé didn't know how to act anymore. She would know soon enough if she could keep Jennie by her side for a little longer or not, but had no idea if she even really wanted her to.

At least being alone wasn't a foreign feeling.

The brunette confused her, and she hated every bit of it.

Sighing, Rosé focused back on the road. The clock was ticking, and she had a place to be.

She couldn't let her mind wander no more. She had to focus.

In no time, it would all be over.


Jennie felt that something had changed the second she walked in her office and felt numerous pair of eyes on her.

Her gaze met Jisoo's for a second, before the latter looked away, not even giving her a small smile like she usually would.

A chill ran up the detective's spine, though she tried hard not to let it show. What had changed since the day before?

On her side, the answer was quite obvious. Everything had changed. She had taken a decision that would change her life forever, and she knew that she wouldn't be able to stay here and work as a detective for a lot longer. They would know soon enough.

But... could they know already?

It felt like it, from how hard some of her colleagues' gazes felt on her. Jennie tried hard to think about everything that could've happened until now, but found nothing.

...unless someone had been suspecting something was wrong with her for a while already, and had found out that they were right. Jennie didn't want to think about it.

She was still free, no handcuffs on her wrists. They couldn't know, not yet.

Jennie had to stay focused.

It was harder to do than to say, though. As whenever Jennie tried to focus on the task she had to do, her mind focused on how Rosé's lips felt against her own, and how her heart instantly started beating faster at the thought.

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