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Everything seemed to slowly sink in.

Jennie had a hard time doing anything. She could only stand still, body trembling slightly, watching as Rosé went through her place quickly. She had a bag in her hands as she rushingly put everything that she judged important inside, panic written all over her face. She muttered some things the brunette couldn't comprehend and, still, she couldn't move.

Hell, it was the first and only time she got to see the place where the woman who occupied all of her dreams lived, a chance to figure out who she was, and yet she couldn't focus on a single thing.

We should hurry up.

She knew, it shouldn't be long before the police find them.

We have to leave.

Where, though? Jennie had never left Seoul. She didn't know if she was ready to leave. However... absolutely nothing, or no one, was keeping her there.

Why couldn't she move? What was taking over her?

That feeling wasn't bad. It was something the brunette couldn't comprehend, like her blood was burning inside her veins, like she was slowly awakening from a long coma. It scared her and yet, in a strange way, it felt better than anything she had ever experienced.

Everything only seemed to get louder and louder, and the brunette still couldn't understand a thing. Rosé was pacing around the place, not paying attention to her as she was sinking deeper and deeper into a state of euphoria.

The line between what was real and what was in her head only was getting blurry.

Jennie could heard the voice of the man she had killed as if he was right there, with her. She could hear sirens blaring, she could hear Rosé, the woman moving things around, her rushed steps. She could hear a ringing sound, getting louder each minute passing and Jennie felt like screaming.

Black dots were dancing in her line of sight, the world was spinning, and the brunette let her body slowly sink down on the floor, her legs feeling way too weak to carry her anymore.

She tried recalling the events of that day.

She had gone to the police station, saw the suspicions in her colleagues' eyes. She had ran away, had almost killed pedestrians while trying to do so. Or, well, maybe she had. She preferred to tell herself that she hadn't.

Then, Rosé.

Seeing the woman was now the only thing that made her feel sane. And yet, she had committed the most awful crime, solely because the woman asked, in a second of madness.

Did she regret it?

Jennie wasn't sure.

And, then, she recalled the relief on her face after his death, and she knew she would do it again for her. She would do anything for her.

Running away with Rosé's hand in hers once it was done, feeling like it was just the both of them against the world. She wouldn't trade that for the universe.

Screw it. Jennie had gone mad, but Rosé was worth going mad for.

And, then, just as if the silver-haired woman had sensed her turmoil, her ironically angelic face appeared right in front of Jennie, and a wave of peace seemed to wash over her.

"We have to go, love." The cold tone clashed with the softness of her words, but Jennie couldn't bring herself to care.

"Okay." She breathed out, and a small smile lit up the taller girl's face.

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