New Friends

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I make it to afternoon science without any more incidents happening.

I sit in my seat, saying my greetings to everyone.

The chatter instantly turns to me. Someone tells me how cool my flip from earlier was, and that I'd have to teach them sometimes. I smile, agreeing with them.

I would not be teaching them how to flip like that.

5 minutes later the class still hasn't started and I look towards the door. Our teacher was nowhere in sight.

The classroom chatter got louder and I got bored. It was a bit monotone being with the same people every day. I look around the classroom for someone new to talk too. I loved my friends but honestly they never had a quiet moment.

I see a boy sitting alone at a table. He's on his phone, from the reflection in his glasses I can tell he's reading something. I've seen him before, I'm positive I speak to him every day. It gets me thinking about what he's like. Maybe I can make a friend out of him.

Walking over to his table as quiet as possible so my friends don't notice, I pull up a chair across from him.

I rest my chin on my hand and stare until he notices. He's so engrossed in his phone that after a minute I have to clear my throat to get his attention.

He looks up startled and I smile.

"Hi, Im Georgia." I tilt my head and twirl a piece of my hair.

I was playing the airhead cheerleader card, but people tended to like it when they feel smarter than you. It's what started a conversation, and you got to see their real personality.  My mother had taught me that on my first day of school. Of course I hadn't known what she meant by it until years later. It didn't matter though because she was right. Her tips and tricks never failed me.

"I- uh.. can I help you?" He stutters.

Obviously I've caught him at a bad time, and he wants me to leave.

He starts drumming his fingers against the table.

I continue my bold assault.

"Are you nervous or do you just not want me here?" I tease, nodding towards his fingers.  It was best to be blunt. Especially with people like him, he seemed shy, kinda reserved.

He quickly clears his throat and readjusts his posture.

"Why are you over here." He demands slightly harsher. It was cute how he tried to switch his demeanor. I'd have to try and catch him off guard more often.

I smile ever brighter at him, "Well why can't I be over here?" I laugh.

"Your crew is over there."  He points towards where I came from sarcastically.

"What if I don't want to be over there." I ask. This was weird, he was weird. I shake it off and lean closer.

"What if I don't want you over here." He leans back in his chair, and picks his phone back up.

He doesn't like me.

This was most definitely a first. I never had problem with people liking me. Well not to my face at least. I considered it a talent.

Expecting me to walk back over to my group, he doesn't look back up.

Somewhere in my head I feel a challenge. This boy will be my friend. He doesn't have a choice. I pick up my chair, and drag it next to him.


My brain was going on overdrive. Georgia Fucking Miller was sitting across from me.

I didn't want her to see that though, she had caught me off my guard when she sat over here, but now I'd gotten myself under control.

Georgia was nothing but a asshole who ran on daddy's money, disguised as a friendly highschooler.  I would not get caught up with her. I'm sure she was a nasty person under the bright eyes and smile.

I had to admit, she was persistant. When I dismissed her, she took her chair and pulled it up beside me instead of across from me.

I look at her and then quickly turn back to my phone. She was uncomfortably close. It felt a bit suffocating.

I try to keep my breathing normal. I wasn't used to socializing, not to mention socializing with girls. It was best if I just tried to ignore her. She made that hard though.

"Whatcha doing?" She questions, peering over at my phone.

I flip it over on the table. She didn't need to know, it would only make her talk to me more. I wasn't sure what I would say if she tried to hold a conversation.

Nothing I did seemed to deter Georgia though. She kept talking, at least for the next five minutes. I moved from my silence to one worded answers and annoyed glares. Either she couldn't take a hint or she didn't care. I was honestly a little infuriated by her determination.

It wasn't until five minutes later when our teacher finally rushed in when she stopped.

"I'm sorry I'm late, I had a err- a meeting." He fumbles. I see the top buttons of his shirt are undone.

Some meeting. I scoff internally

The teacher starts on his lecture and I pull out my notebook.

20 minutes into the class I notice Georgia isn't paying attention. Her headphones are in and she's doodling on her arm with my pen. I didn't even notice she took it.

"You should probably pay attention, he's talking about starting college." I say under my breath.

She smiles, taking her headphones out.

" I record the lessons on my phone." She whispers back, gesturing towards hers. Sure enough it's recording.

"It would just be easier to pay attention now." I counter her. Recording was a smart idea, but you could just learn it in person.

She explains how she does her homework during this class. Apparently on days when she had to cheer she wouldn't get home until late so it was easier now. Right beside her is a pile of finished homework.

I nod and turn back to the lesson. Five minutes later I feel a poke on my hand. I see Georgia drawing stars on my hand.

Snatching it away I whisper, "What the hell is wrong with you? You'll give me ink poisoning!"

"You'll be fine. It's non-toxic" She reassures, grabbing my hand back. She's started to draw stars on my hand matching hers.

"Stop it!" I swat her away.

She intertwines my fingers with hers, holding my hand down as she draws. I try to snatch it back, but her hand goes with me and we knock a jar of pencils off the table.

The class turns to us as the pencils clatter to the floor, seeing out hands together, and matching pictures decorating them. This looks bad.

Shit. This would be all over school by lunch.

"Are we interrupting something?" Our teacher asks.

He couldn't be talking, he showed up to class half a hour late.

Before I could call him out , Georgia apologizes for the both of us. She has on her award winning smile and sugary sweet voice. I swear she throws in a slight pout when she says sorry. This girl was honestly too much, she was like a toddler begging for a cookie. To my surprise, it worked, he turned away from us, but the class kept taking glances back. I snatch my arm away and place it across the table.

My phone dings two seconds later. I was tagged in a Instagram post with a picture from less than a minute ago. How did anyone even get that picture?  My face was flushed red and Georgia had her hand resting on her chin looking at me. It looked like we were holding hands like a happy couple. I roll my eyes at it and report it. I definitely didn't want random pictures of Georgia's assault on me roaming around the internet.

When the bell rings, I snatch all of my things and hightail it out of there. I definitely don't want to be bombarded by any more of Georgia Miller today.

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