After Party

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The rest of the day I avoid the crowds. Georgia had brought me to the front lines of everyone's attention. Even for my last class of the day I went all the way around the school just to avoid taking the stairs.

By the end of the day, I manage to go undetected until I walk into the parking lot. I make it half way before Georgia appears in front of my face.

"Hi friend." She smiles goofily, "I never caught your name."

I look past her and see small groups of people started to look at us.

I side step her, "That's because I never told you it." I roll my eyes, walking towards my car. "And we're not friends." I say over my shoulder. I really didn't want to be bothered with the attention that came with speaking to her.

She doesn't take my obvious hints, quickly walking in front of my path again.

"My friendship isn't a question." She says matter of factly. Her smile grows freakishly big, and she raises an eyebrow. It creeped me out a little, it was like she was challenging my free will. " And it's nice to meet you too- uh- Aspen." I follow her gaze and see she's staring at my school i.d.

She meets my eyes again. "You should totally come to the game tonight, it'll be worth it." She flounces off back towards the school with a single wave before I can get another word in.

I stand shell-shocked for a split second. I shake it off, making my way to my car. Georgia was definitely a little weird. Alex is waiting for me like he is every day. Benefits of being next door neighbors and best friends, we caught rides with eachother.

"What's that about? You got a thing for Georgia Miller?" He questions, nodding towards her retreating figure. By now her team is screaming about our school again.

I shake my head at him, "Nah, I don't know what she wants, man. She invited me to the game." I pretend to be nonchalant, I didn't need him to know how she weirded me out.

He pauses, and stares at me. I swear something passes over his eyes, his lightheartedness fades for a second. "You're not gonna go right?"

I wonder what his problem is. Usually he'd be on my case about attending more school activities, in fact I'm sure he's never missed a game himself.

Instead of telling him no, I shrug. "I kinda have too, pictures for the yearbook, remember." I remind him.

Alex narrows his eyes. "As long as your not going just to watch that idiot of a girl jump around."

I didn't really appreciate his thoughts on Georgia. Sure she might take advantage of a lot of things, but at least she acted nice. I laugh him off anyway and start the car.

"Get in loser, enough about Georgia." I joke.
The crowds are roaring for our team. Who knew people could get this excited for teenagers running around a field. I'm not going to pretend that I didn't get happy when we won, but these people acted a damn fool.

I keep snapping pictures though. This would look great for the yearbook.

After I collect some pictures I look around for Alex. It was halftime and I was ready to go home. The noise was giving me a headache. I spot him in the stands, and wave him towards me.

After he pushes past a bunch of parents engrossed in the game and rowdy students he makes it over to me.

"Can we leave?" I shout over the noise. He'd driven us here, so I'd have to let him know.

He widens his eyes, "Leave? Now? The game is just getting good!" He yells back.

I point towards the score board, "Were ahead by forty points, we both know we'll win."

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