Game Days

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"Ouch! Asshole." I mutter at my friend, Alex. He had just flicked me on my neck. I swat his arm back.

"Stop staring then." He scolds.

"I'm not staring, I just zoned out."

He rolls his eyes at me.

I was in fact staring. I was staring at Georgia Miller. I couldn't help it, no matter where she went she managed to catch everyone glances even after three years at Riverside.

I watch her flounce over to her friend group, flashing a overly bright smile at everyone. I don't understand how she did it, she managed it fit in everywhere she was supposed to stick out. Georgia was by far the nicest girl in school, yet she basically lead the meanest people here.

In fact everyone at Riverside was very stereotypical. It was like a damn Hollywood movie about teenage cliques and clubs. Popular  kids, Jocks, Nerds, the whole crew. Georgia fit into those first three categories. She was a cheerleader, on her way to becoming valedictorian, people just gravitated towards her.

I didn't know exactly where I fit, I liked to blend into the background. I was everywhere because I was on the yearbook staff, but I was only there to snap pictures. Alex called me a chameleon because of it.

Today she wore her cheer uniform, there must have been a game today. She had blue and white stars painted on her face matching the school colors. I had to admit she looked good. The blue of the uniform complimented her brown skin,

I had no idea how she managed to do it. Since day one, all she did was smile and greet everyone. She still does. Every afternoon in chemistry, she waves and says hello. It's weird how she's never missed a day. I have to admit, it made my heart do somersaults for the first year I was here, but I've since gotten over myself. Alex had a crush on her back in freshman year too, he thought he was special to her, but we found out the hard way she was nice to everyone, she didn't even know his name. He'd since then developed a slight vendetta against her based solely on his own feelings.

After what Alex calls three years of "light stalking" I'd simply concluded that she was strategic, the only way to combat the assholes of the school was to be an overly cheery asshole.

My older brothers told me that she had a brother and a sister who went to the school while we were still in junior high. The brother was a jock man-whore and the sister was reserved and rejected anyone. Georgia was the perfect mix of both of them. Outgoing and fun, while still revealing almost nothing about herself.

I observe the crowd that swarm her. It's mostly cheerleaders and football players, but people scattered around the hallway are paying close attention too. I can't make out what there saying until they all start chanting in unison.

Do it! Do it! Do it!

The hallway literally parts like the Red Sea. They were treating her like a damn celebrity.

  She shakes her head insisting she can't do what they want her too. I can't really hear from where I was at my locker; I doubt whatever it is won't get her in trouble.

"Okay! Okay!" She agrees loud enough for everyone to hear, "Just this once, but if I get in trouble it's on you guys." She jokes.

She wouldn't get in trouble. Georgia's charm worked on the principal and staff too. I once saw her smile her way out of crashing her car into a handicap sign. That was back when she first started driving.

Theres a whoop of cheers as she positions herself in the middle of the hallway, phones whip out to record. She hands someone her books, and double checks she has a clear path.

I can't believe it when she does a front hand spring down the hallway. Another chorus of cheers from the nearby students echo the hallways and I see the flash of cameras. The school newspaper of all people were snapping pictures. Georgia turns back to everyone when she lands, joining in on the laughter.

It's my turn to roll my eyes. It was literally seven in the morning. I could tolerate the hype at the games, but not this early. She was most definitely going to get in trouble.

After Georgia kicked off the school spirit, someone had started a chant of our school mascot. Within seconds half the school was in the hallway screaming it; jumping up and down.

"Go dogs! Go dogs! Go dogs!"

God. I hated game days.


I loved game days. You could get the entire school riled up by just the thought of winning. The school was really big on academics, but you couldn't exactly scream about those, so we turned to sports. Everyone was jumping up and down yelling "Go Dogs!" And the school mascot actually appeared, joining the circle with their large costume head on.

Phones were recording the entire ordeal, no doubt to brag about to the other schools about how we we had more school spirit than them.

We were interrupted by a loud


Principal Trevarrow was standing in the dead center of the hallway, her face was flushed red, bright red whistle in her hand.

"Students!" She yelled, " It is still a school day!" She empathized her words. "I don't know where exactly you think you are, but now is certainly not the time for this!" She turns and glares at everyone, her keys jangling by her hip. " I appreciate the faith you have in your football team, but I'd appreciate it a lot more if you saved it for the game, after school." She does one more 360 before she finishes, "The football team, and cheerleaders have in-school detention for the day, and anyone who isn't in homeroom within the next five minutes will join them." She declares, turning swiftly back until her office.

On cue the bell rings, and everyone rushes to their class. The hallway clears the hundred students in it within seconds. All that's left standing there are the football team are cheerleaders. We stay quiet for a second before the football team bursts out laughing.

Of course they'd find this funny, they were in and out of detention weekly. The only reason they were allowed to stay on the team was because football brought in so much money.

"Go dogs !" Someone whoops one more time as they barrel towards the detention room.

I on the other hand, did not find this amusing. I roll my eyes as I march towards the principals office. One of the newer girls grabs my shoulder.

"What are you doing ?" She asks alarmed.

"To get us out of detention" I roll my eyes. I'd simply talk to the principal. She definitely played favorites, I was lucky enough to be a favorite. In front of everyone she's actually fair, but whoever brought the most attention to her school got the most benefits. After my sister and brother going here, she assumed I'd bring attention.

"Are you crazy?" The girl asks me. I'm pretty sure her name was Jenny. She honestly was very new. "You're gonna get us in more trouble, Georgia!" She whisper yells.

My friend Niki brushes her hand off me.

"Georgia has this, relax." She laughs.

She was right, I did have this. A long line of family going to this school gave that to me.

I plaster a bright smile on my face and gently knock on her door, stepping inside.

ten minutes later:

I walk out the door and everyone looks up from their phones.

"Principal Trevarrow said get to first period ladies." I say smugly at them.

A series of cheers fills the hallway before a shush them.

"Shhhh! Before we get in trouble again" I whisper.

All twenty girls whisper their thanks as they hustle past me towards their class. I turn in my own direction walking with my best friend Lauren to our next class.

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