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The party carried long into the night. Eventually the pizza parlor closed, and everyone moved outside.

I knew the after game parties were big, but I didn't think they'd be this big. I was positive kids from other high schools had shown up, and at this point it wasn't a game celebration, just a party. Someone had even brought multiple large speakers, so everyone was dancing.

I regretted coming here.

I had been searching for Alex for nearly a hour and a half but he was invisible compared to the throngs of people.

I was so utterly lost. It was like being on drugs without doing drugs.

I keep searching until I run into someone.

"Aye yo what the fuck man." The person turns.

It's a big guy. He's wearing a football jersey from another team.

"Man I'm sorry," I mutter, trying to push past me. I knew his school, they had a history of picking fights with Riverside. I had no plans on being their next victim.

He pushes me back.

"You look like you go to Riverside. Do you go to Riverside, shrimpy?" He jeers at me.

A few more members of his team show up behind him. They all equally look like their on steroids. I was taller than maybe three of them, but they played a sport where the main goal was tackling. I wouldn't stand a chance.

Shit, I was going to get jumped at a party I didn't want to come to.

" Look guys, I'm just trying to leave, I didn't mean to run into you." I try to reason.

If I get punched tonight, I swear I'll never speak to Georgia or Alex again. Not that I wanted to speak to Georgia anyway.

"This isn't about you." The main one pokes my chest. "It's about your prissy ass school! Thinking you all run shit because you've won a few games."

I couldn't believe they were taking their football drama out on me.

Now more people have gathered around us. A circle had formed.

Crap. Now I was going to get jumped and recorded.

"Youre gonna be a lesson to all you Riverside freaks!" Spit flies out his mouth as he speaks. He smells like alcohol.

"It's ok Aspen! Fuck them up!" Someone yells from back.

More shouts of "You got this" and "Hurt them!" Flew towards me.

I in fact did not have this, and I was the one going to get fucked up. I didn't even know how they knew my name.

I shake my head trying to leave again, but they grab me by the collar.

Right before I get my teeth knocked out, I see a bundle of curls push past the crowd.

"Aspen!" she giggles, "I've been looking everywhere for you, how are you?" She asks

Was she ok? I swear I heard a slur in her words. I was about to get my brain punched out and she asked how was my day? My jaw clenched. I hate Georgia Miller.

"Awww, you need your little girlfriend to come save you, shrimpy?" One of the guys teases.

Maybe I'd be able to get one punch in before they give me a concussion.

I liked my chances on that.

" Woah woah , wait." One of his jockeys lowers his voice, "That's Georgia Miller." He nods towards her.

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