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"What can I do?" Jaemin could only think about Jeno and Haechan as he worked.

"Why are you zoned out all the time today?" Renjun spoke behind him in the small but enough for two, kitchen of the cafe.

"Its nothing." Jaemin tried to brush off.

"I know for a fact that it's not nothing. You even made mistake today. You of all people never made mistake except for your 1 month training." Renjun had his hands on his waist.

"It's really nothing you need to worry about. I'm just thinking about Haechan and how he doing?" Jaemin said which was half true as he couldn't explain about Jeno to Renjun.

"If you miss him than go see him or something. Don't disturb work or make mistake here." Renjun's sudden change in voice startled Jaemin. Why was he suddenly angry?

"No it's fine. I'll talk to him later or tomorrow. And sorry for making the mistake. I'll be more careful." Jaemin spoke cautiously to mot anger the smaller anymore. Was he angry all this time because I made mistake?

Renjun just left him there to clean the floor since no customer were coming and it was almost time to close up. Jaemintoo went to do the dishes.

When Jaemin was out of sight, Renjun couldn't help himself and sigh. He hit his own head. "How can you not control your own emotion? You stupid boy."

"Bye. I'll see you tomorrow." Renjun smiled towards Jaemin who was relieved Renjun wasn't angry anymore.

"Bye. Be careful on your way."  Jaemin waved back.

"You too."


And as soon as Jaemin turned back he was startled by a figure infront of him.

"What happen?" Renjun looked back at him.

"It's nothing. I saw a mouse." Jaemin laughed scratching his head.

Renjun just shook his head smiling.

Fuck why is he following me. I have works to do. Jaemin couldn't stop the ghost following him since earlier incident. He thought if he ignore him it will leave.

He then entered the convenience store he worked at. It was 8:00 pm and Jaemin hadn't eaten dinner yet which made his stomach grumble. He sighed as he wore his uniform which was a blue and grey sleeveless jacket.

He bid goodbye to the person working earlier shift and placed himself in the counter. He knew many people wouldn't come so he took out his books to do his homework and study. He could see the ghost following him still looking at him. If I ignore him he'll leave. And of course he did eventually. It took time bit he did leave. Jaemin could only sigh in relief.

Few customer came mostly drunk mens but Jaemin could work on his schoolwork. So he was fine. He sees the time on his phone. It was a little over 12. He closed his books and went over the food aisle.

He looked at the dated of some food and took some which was to expire today. He thought about Jeno again as he ate. This was the problem with him. If he had nothing better to do he would think. He couldn't control when his thoughts took over his brain. That's the reason he always busied him with work, study or atleast music.

But he couldn't stop himself now. He wanted to think this time, think about Jeno, think about Haechan, think about ways to help them or if he can even help them. What difference it will make if he talked with Jeno? He knew he could talk and if you ask he was experienced. He would run away as a child and some would call and follow him.

Jeno wasn't a ghost. He was a soul right? Where there any souls among all the ghosts he ignored? He looked outside through the glass door as he chewed on his food. Why was he so bothered about this?*sigh*

Today is Thursday. Well I was busy yesterday so I couldn't update. I thought about skipping this week but I can't do that. I promised myself to update regularly. So even it's late. I did update.💚💚

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