Beaten up

739 39 43

Hehe Some of you are gonna love this chapter!   

  I was walking down the hallway when someone tapped my shoulder. I turn around and see the guy from this morning.

"He is so freaking annoying" I think as I glare at him

"What do you want?" I ask harshly and he glared at me again

"Just came to tell you that Kiara is mine!" He yells and I snap (I'm sorry but the "You are mine" line is only acceptable during sex/smut in my stories)

"Kiara doesn't belong to anyone she isn't some kind of pet, she is her own person so just fuck off!" I yell and start to walk away

   I look back and he froze. I continue to walk until I get to my 2 class of the day. I was alone here so normally I would sleep but semester exams are coming soon so I have to pay attention to this.

    Time skip cause I don't want to write about a class

   I walk towards my third period class where Gura was probably waiting for me when I get pushed against a locker.

"I swear to God, if it's that guy again!" I think to myself before looking at the person and......surprise it was the guy except he had friends that were holding my arms. I sighed and start to glare at them.

"What the hell do you guys want?" I ask menacingly and the guy just laughs.

"Well, I am gonna teach you a lesson Calliope!" He yells before two guys hold me down and he starts to punch me in the stomach. I don't have a reaction since I knew that he wanted one.

   He looked mad and started to punch me harder but I still had no reaction. Then he punch my rib and I yelped in pain because I have a bruise there from my last fight. He continues to punch me there and try not to show much reaction, of course I failed but hey I tried. He continues until the tardy bell rings and he laughs again.

"Hey Jacob we need to go or we are gonna get detention" One of his goons tells him and he nods before looking at me and kneeing my stomach, then the two guys that were holding me let go and I fall to the ground.

"Now Calliope don't get close to Kiara and you won't get hurt." He says as he lowers his head towards mine. I smile and spit at his face.

"Like hell am I gonna let you have Kiara!" I yell loud enough so the teacher in the class next to us can hear me. He then lifts up his fist and starts to swing about to hit my fa-

"What is going on here!?" Asked a teacher that I knew very well. My third period teacher J-Chad, as she told us to call her.

"Alright all of you to the principal's office except Calliope, you go to the nurse and get cleaned up then come back to my class, ok?" She orders and I nod. I walk towards the nurse's office to get bandaged up. I knew that he probably wasn't gonna get suspended if I have gotten in many fights and haven't been suspended myself.

   I walk past Kiara's classroom and she looks at me. I wave and she looks concerned and worried but I give her a thumbs up before flinching at the sudden pain and she looks even more worried. I turn and continue to walk towards the nurse's office. I noticed that Watson's class was also really close to the nurse's office. I look up and see Watson. She immediately sees me and narrows her eyes but I smile, wave, and continue walking.

   I get to the nurse's office and she looks at me.

"What did you do this time Calliope?" She asks with a smirk

"I got beaten up by some boys" I say with no hesitation at all.

   She looks at me with surprise but doesn't ask anything and helps me bandage my arms. She then leaves so I can bandage my bruised ribs. I walk out of the nurse's office and head towards my class with one thought.

"Questions are gonna be asked"

   I am not smart but I am fast at writing so that's good I guess. Also rule number one of Wattpad as a writer: Never trust the Author!

Word count: 736

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