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I know, a very creative title...... I'm running out of title ideas.
Tw: Implied self harming.


   I wake up and immediately feel two arms wrapped around my waist and something warm, I turn my head and see Kiara's peaceful sleeping face.

"She's so warm, I probably wouldn't need a blanket." I think as she nuzzles closer and I feel more of her warmth. I look at the window and see that the Sun looks higher up than before.

"What time is it?" I think and, as if someone heard my thoughts, Ina then walks in.

"Hey, wake up it's like 10:00 in the morning." She say and I give her a thumbs up.

"I'm up, I just need Kiara to wake up and move." I say and yawn after

"Humu humu" I hear her say and I look at her with an eyebrow raised.

"Ok, just hurry up." She says and leaves the room, I sigh and look over to Kiara.

"Hey Kusotori, wake up." I say and Kiara starts to move but she doesn't really wake up.

"Come on Kiara, we have to eat" I say and Kiara opens her eyes.

"Don't wanna...." she say takes her one of her arms off me to cover her mouth as she yawns, I take this opportunity to get out of her warm trap.

"Caaaaalliiiiii~" She whine and pouts.

"Come on Kiara we need to get ready." I say and start to walk away, trying to get away so she doesn't see that my face was red.

"I'm gonna go shower and then brush my teeth." I say and then I remember that we didn't bring clothes, I then open the door and yell out in the hallway.

"Hey, Amelia do you have any clothes that we can borrow!?" I then hear walking.

"You are pretty tall so you might have to borrow my moms clothes, and since Kiara is around the same height then she will too." She say.

"Kiara come on, we need to get our clothes." I say and Kiara groans before I hear her get of the bed and start to walk towards us.

"Alright, lead the way Amelia." I say once Kiara reaches us, she nods and we follow her.

"Here we go" She says when we get to her mom's room.

"Alright, thanks Watson." Kiara says with a sleepy voice and then she leans on me, I quickly look at her and she looks at me through hazy eyes. I turn back to look at Watson and I could see her smirking at me, she then winks at me.

"Alright you guys get ready, we have two bathrooms so you can take a shower at the same time, we'll wait for y'all downstairs." She then walk towards the door and then stops.

"Oh, yeah, we have some extra toothbrushes in the cabinets in both the bathrooms, if you guys wanna continue kissing then I recommend you brushing your teeth, now if you excuse me, I'll be downstairs playing with my dogs." She says and quickly closes the door before I could say anything.

"Guh.." I say as I feel my face go warm and I look over to Kiara and see her red too.

"This is gonna be a long day." I think as I go look through the drawers.

"Hey, Calli." Kiara calls me.

"Hmm" I respond

"Wanna take a shower together?" She asks in her flirty tone.

"Yeah, sure." I say not really paying attention.

"Eh?" She says and I look at her.

"What?" I ask with a confused look on my face and the I replay what she had asked me.

"Wanna take a shower together?" I feel my face go extremely red and my ears were warm too.

"Hey, wait listen." I yell and she starts to laugh.

"Listen." I say but she continues to laugh.

"I wasn't listening, come on Kusotori." I say and her laughter slowly comes to a stop

"I know you didn't mean it." She says with a smile that could challenge the Suns brightness.

   I turn back towards the drawer filled with clothes, I pick out a dress shirt that probably belonged to Amelia's dad but her mom's clothes was slightly shorter on me but fit pretty good on Kiara. I then take some pants.

"I'm gonna go shower now." I say and Kiara nods, still looking for her clothes.

I walk towards the bathroom and once I get in, I look at my arms and notice that the scars from my arms where starting to fade away.

"I shouldn't have done these ones so deep, they last longer...." I think and then sigh, I then take my clothes off to take a shower but decide that maybe a bath would be better. I remember that I have to lock the door, I turn and lock the door. I then fill the bath and get in while looking at my scars.

"I didn't bring my make up to cover them up." I think and look over to the shirt.

"Well at least the shirt is gonna cover them up." I think and I hug my legs.

"I need to get out of here soon.." I think and finish washing myself. I change, brushed my hair, and then brushed my teeth. Once I get out I see Kiara and when she notices me I see her face was starting to turn red. She then walks up to me. I notice that she had a grey t-shirt and a blue cardigan, I also see that she was wearing leggings, that were slightly to big for her, and I feel my face get warm too.

"Wow, Calli. I didn't expect you to wear something like that." She say and I stand a bit straighter than before, she then pulls the tie that I had on and she starts to get closer, I look into her eyes, and see the skrellingtons in her magenta eyes, she kept glancing towards my lips. Kiara gets closer and I start to panic.

"YOU DON'T WANT THIS!"  The voice yelled at me

"YES, YOU DO!" Yelled another.

   They kept fighting and Kiara was getting closer. I could feel her warm breath getting closer and she had closed her eyes. She was so close to my lips. I had closed my eyes and started to get close too.

And that's all for this week folks, lol. Next one is definitely gonna disappoint but, hey, it's almost the last arc. Anyways have a nice day.

Word count: 1094

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