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   I walk into my class and see Gura. I nod at the teacher and go towards Gura to sit next to her.

"Hey, why were you late Calli!" Gura says and I nod

"I'll explain during lunch, ok?" I tell her and she nods.

   I listen to what the teacher is saying while writing down some notes. Suddenly I feel something hit the back of my head. I look down and see an eraser, I then look at Gura and could tell that she was also hit by one. I glare at the girl that threw the erasers at us. She just shrugs and ignores us. I sigh and continue to listen.

   The bell rings and I stand up to go to my locker. I see Gura waiting for me, I nod at her and we start to walk towards the lunchroom to see Ina already there. We sit there and wait for the other two. Watson was first and when she saw me she narrowed her eyes. I sighed.

"Watson, wait until Kiara is here before you question me, please?" She sighs but nods her head. I feel two arms wrap around me and I lean into the embrace as I know who it is.

"Are you ok?" She whispers in my ear and I sigh once more.

"Kiara sit down so I can explain it what happened." I say and feel her nod.

She sits beside me and Watson starts to speak.

"Ok we are all here now, so Calli do you want to explain why I saw you out of class?" Watson asks, Kiara and Gura nod, and Ina looks confused and concerned at the same time.

"Ok, just don't panic or yell at me!" I exclaim and wait for their response. Kiara was the first to nod, then Watson turn to Gura they made eye contact and nodded, and Ina nodded lastly still confused.

"Soooooooo, I may or may have not been beaten up by some guys...." I trail off to meet all of their eyes. They all looked shocked and frozen.

"You were beaten up?" Ina asks and I nod.

"Who did it?" Gura asks

"Some guy named Jacob, he ask if Kiara and me were dating this morning" I say and I hear Kiara gasp. Ina shoots her eyes up to look at me.

"You said his name was Jacob, right?" She asks softly

"That's what I heard from one the boys he was with." I say confused on why she wanted to know his name.

"He is know to be a playboy and a jerk. He cheated on his last girlfriend and what he said to the poor girl was 'She was prettier and I just couldn't say no to her, maybe you should learn from her' Only to cheat on that girl two months later!" Ina exclaims and I feel disgusted at the guy and thinking on what would happen if he managed to score a date with Kiara.

"He would hurt her and I can't allow that!" I think to myself angrily

"Yeah, well he's targeting Kiara!" I exclaim harshly and immediately look at Kiara.

"Kiara whatever you do, don't talk to him!" I yell at her and she nods.

"Calli protecting her girlfriend!" Exclaimed Gura from her

"We aren't dating, I just don't want my friends to be hurt!" I yell and start to eat.

   I feel someone grab my hand and I hold it for the rest of our lunch. I also feel someone glaring at me but pay no attention.

"I will protect Kiara, no matter the cost"

   Three days to write this chapter, I was so busy but I managed to write one.

Word count: 619

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