Chapter 4: A True Friend

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Sorry for the late update. Here it is. 

He was replying. Oh god. I was so nervous. He had texted.

Lee Saesang : You are too modest. Also from when was 11 pm, called day? As far as I know, it is night?? Also, I can guarantee that we will meet soon! See ya. I squealed so loud, my throat hurt. Both my brothers came running and Minho asked " What happened ??". I just showed him the message.Looking happy he said " Good for you bro!". I got ready and headed to college. On my way, I heard a friend of mine getting beaten up. Without hesitating I rushed in the alley. Inside were a group of thugs. My friend was leaning into one of the walls, blood dripping from his nose and mouth. I gasped, and backed away a bit. Unfortunately, my back hit a solid chest, pretty rock hard if I had to say so myself. I felt my eyes widen, and I turned around. In front of me, was a large guy, the size of a standing bear. He looked at me, his bored gaze falling onto my small build. 'Oi. What are you here for? If you're a passerby, just get on walking. If you breathe a word of this anywhere, not that anyone would care, I will personally enjoy tearing your throat out, understood? Now get a move,' he said coldly. 'I-I am here t-to save my friend', I said, my voice betraying my fear. The guy raised his eyebrow, amused. He got closer to my face and whispered, 'And how do you plan to that ?' I gulped, and flicked my tongue over my lips, panicking. He let out a snicker and turned around and snapped his fingers. 'Get him too'.His thugs took turns beating me up for some time. By some time I mean 40 minutes. I had a few bruises and the wound in my head had bled a little. They eventually got bored and left. I gasped and slumped on the nearby wall. My head was pounding and my breath was staggered." Are you okay?? Do you want to go to the hospital?" he asked looking scared. " I have been through worse. Are you okay though, bro" i replied, very worried. "I am perfectly fine. I am just glad you are safe ! Any way we are going to be late, so let's head together?" he asked. " Yeah lets go buddy"i replied, trying to smile, but grimacing instead.

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