Chapter 9: Aftertaste

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After that incident Saesang left and I headed inside. My family was waiting for me.

" Sweetie, what was that???" my mom asked, her eyes wide with shock (the good kind).

" To be honest...I don't know," I replied shyly, hiding my tomato red face in my hands.

" I do not like him one bit. I told him not to hurt you, but that doesn't mean he can just take advantage of you whenever he wants" Minho replied, looking pissed.

" Dear bro, it is not necessary for you to like him, only I have to" I replied, rolling my eyes.

" Enough of your overprotective speech, Minho. Let's hit the bed. It's getting late anyway. Good luck, small bro, you have my blessings. Be careful though!" My other brother replied and pulled me in for a hug. We stayed there for a couple of seconds and we went to our respective rooms.

That night I slept like a baby. I got up next morning, to the sound of my alarm blaring. I seriously need to demolish that thing. A pain in the ass if you ask me. The guy who created that...will see my his's too early to be morning already...

I got ready as usual and went to college. The classes went smoothly and I came out to see something sweet. Saesang was holding a small boy, a toddler, to be exact. I was about to walk away when I saw Saesang was coming over with the toddler in my direction. " Jinho! This is my elder sister's son, Woojho,"he said.

" Aww so cute ". I replied, smiling at the smaller kid.

" Jinho... I was wondering if you are free this weekend. Do you think we can we go on a date?" he asked, shyly.

" Yeah sure I will send the location. I have to go for my part time job, so see you later". I replied in a rush.

" Wait!" he said. He grabbed my hand and pulled me in for a kiss. I really wanted to but I pushed him away and said " Saesang, hyung. Not outside, you should be more careful." I whispered, cautiously. With that, I rushed to my job. My mind was all over the place. I was worried for Saesang. An idol's reputation is very fragile... It would be so bad if something were to happen to him or his group because of me... Oh that would be horrible.

Little did I realize, that maybe, just maybe, things had already started taking a turn for the worst..

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