Chapter 12- Saved by you

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Lying unconscious, I yearned for Saesang. My thoughts all roamed around him. I wondered if he was okay. If he was alright. I forced my eyes to open, but they wouldn't budge an inch. Noises I heard suddenly started getting muffled. I could somehow manage to believe that it was Saesang's. I was laughing inside. How come whenever I'm in danger, he is always there?I felt for sure that I was being lifted, and as I tried to move, nothing happened. I started feeling his lips on my cheek, and a sudden smirk formed on my face. A couple of hours passed by, and I finally opened my eyes only to see my brothers hovering above me. While groaning, I tried to sit up, but my back gave in, and I could feel a sharp pain in my back. "What happened to me?" I asked with an alarming look in my eyes. "Your back is severely injured. You won't be able to sit up for a week, so lay down," My brothers said in unison."What about Saesang? Where is he?" I asked, looking desperately around. He was nowhere to be seen. "He went home after bringing you here," My brother said while sighing. A sudden relief rushed through my body. I was happy he was alright. I climbed down, and on the first try, I wobbled, and I collapsed. My brothers rushed by my side. They lifted me up and placed me back on the bed. "I told you stay on the bed for some time. You need rest," my brother said, looking annoyed and slightly worried. I sighed and laid back obediently. I felt my eyes slowly shut. I fell asleep, and my thoughts were all about Saesang again. But it didn't come as a surprise. After all, he was all I could think about. Perhaps, my love for him was bigger than I thought.....

Heyy guyss!! Ill be updating on Saturday and Sunday next!

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