Chapter 13: How about u?

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After laying down for sleep, I wake up in a few minutes. My mind restless and keeping me from resting. I look around and to my surprise, I see Saesang laying down and just resting. His head laying softly amongst the beds pillows.

Looking down at him I smile gently and think only about him.

My Hyung.

That's all, just my Hyung, my love and just the best that I could ask or hope for.

I get up and wobble towards him with a blanket, placing it over his peacefully sleeping body while admiring his features.

I mean look at him, how can I not. Everything about it is perfect and soft and lovely. I can't not look at him.

As I sat down beside him I started browsing through Wolfpacks music videos and comments to entertain myself while he rested. After a little while, I feel Saesang start to stir awake and groan from tired movements.

He wakes up with one final groan and I see him look up at me with slightly wide tired eyes.

"Why aren't you resting?" He says to me in a tired daze.

"Well I'm bored Hyung, I can't just stay in the bed all day." I give him an amused pout then continue watching the video I have playing.

"Well let me help you to bed then." Smiling lightly, he extends a hand to me indicating for me to take it.

Sighing, I give in and decide to just follow his lead.

He helps me to the bed and starts to lie me down. Though, before he could properly lay me down he ended up slipping and accidentally falling on top of me.

I winced sharply from the sudden strain of pressure and pain I felt on my back at once.

At first Saesang looked shocked but then he immediately started to sooth and calm the ache in my back.

Which felt amazing even if the pain wasn't completely gone.

On Impulse I pulled him closer to me, our noses slightly touching.

I glanced up at his eyes then his lips and went for it, pushing his head forward to meet mine and our lips lightly touching.

Before we go any further he cradles my back and gently lies me down on the bed.

"You okay?"

I don't speak, too caught up in his gentle touches and smooth voice. Nodding my head gently, I reach up wrapping my arms around his neck.

He starts leaning down near my face, eyes set on my lips. I get impatient and abruptly pull his head down right before our lips meet.

"Sorry, I got impatient."

Finally, our lips meet and swear it's better than anything I've felt before.

Anything I've ever tasted before.

Our lips move in sync and almost like in slow motion. The only noise in the room being the sound of our sloppy kiss.

His hands move around and underneath my hips, then down the back of my thighs and legs, wrapping them around his waist.

The kiss goes on for a little longer then he stops and starts trailing light kisses down my neck then stops at my collar.

He looks at me for confirmation, me nodding in response, then him taking my shirt off finally.

The kisses continue, down my neck, then they lead to my collarbone and lastly down my stomach.

This feeling, a mix of bliss, love, and comfort mixed into one.

I hear my self start to get harder from the way he's touching my body and I can't help but shudder.

Releasing his neck I reach down and start to take his shirt off too, making sure to let my hands get a good sense of what his body feels like underneath his shirt.

As soon as I took off his shirt he moved to my nipple and immediately started to suck and bite at the bud.


My head goes back and my breathing ragged.

"Hm, sensitive."

I lose my grip on his neck and drop my hands down, gripping the sheets.

"Oh my- Hyung~"

He moves to my other nipple that was left untouched and I get significantly louder.

This feels so good it's almost like I can't breathe.

He finishes and starts kissing me down further until he reaches my v-line. My hands grip the sheets in anticipation for what's left to come. Slowly, he starts to remove my sweats, then my boxers. His hands gradually running over and under my thighs again.

I'm now fully naked under him and now he's just staring.

"Why'd we stop?" I speak out to him in short breaths.

"Just admiring." He smiles down at me and I swear my heart skips a beat.

"Don't say things like that!" I feel my whole face and neck start to heat up so I try to cover it with my arms.

"Don't." He moves my arms out of my face and continues his earlier actions. This time leaving a couple of hickies down my stomach and V-line.

Finally, he decides to give my untouched erection some attention.

Leading kisses up and down the sides, then one small peck on the top before he unexpectedly engulfs my dick.

"Ngghh-h~" I let out a broken high pitched moan, my breathing picking up and grip the sheets harder.

I start to arch my back but feel a sting of pain and let out a groan of discomfort mixed with a moan of pleasure.

".....feels s-so good~"

Hyung holds down my pelvis so that I can't move my back too much. His pace speeds up and he starts hollowing out his cheeks to get more suction while he starts bobbing his head more thoroughly.

"Stop I-Im gonna-" Before I can get him to take my cock out his mouth. Me cummung from the buildup of pleasure, into his mouth.

He swallows all of it and looks me in the eye before laying down beside me.

After I come down from my almost addicting high, I turn and look at him half lidded love filled eyes.

"That was fun~" He says to me, my face heating up once again.


"How's your back?"

"..t's okay." I mumble before moving closer to him, back against his chest. He moves closer to me also in response but I can feel his own boner pressing against my back.

"Don't worry about it, let's sleep okay?"

It's like he can guess what I'm thinking.

I turn around and frown.

"I wanna help you too!"

"Nope, not until your back heals. For now, we sleep."

I give in but not before wrapping my arms around his neck and legs around his waist, us engaging in a slow steady kiss until we both fall asleep in each others arms.  

This chapter is longer enjoy!

I have a new editor

@Drea_Senpai go support her she wrote this chapter ( I can not write smut as much as I like to read it tho hahahah)

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