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//song suggestion: K.Will(케이윌) _ You don't know love(촌스럽게 왜 이래) ^^

When Junkyu woke up, he received a message from Yoshi,

"I am sorry, I already went to dreamland when you are still not done talking, *pouts*, sorry my Kyuuuuu. You look handsome while sleeping too, your roommate's so lucky to see that handsome face every day in the morning *crying* I badly want to keep that face all for myself huhu.

This message is getting so long *laughs*, thank you for answering my call even if it's 3 am. Good thing, today's a weekend, if it's school days, I will feel so guilty of waking you up huhu.

I badly want to hug you, if your voice is enough to calm me down, I wonder how your hugs will give me such a serotonin boost and calmness hihi.

I love you my Kyu. Can't wait to see you soon! I am close to achieving my goal, the to-meet-the-LOML-savings. Just a little more and I can see you. Love you!"

This is it, Junkyu thought, this is the last straw.

After sending a very long message early in the morning to his boyfriend, Yoshi went to his part-time job.

Every weekend, he would come help in his uncle's restaurant to earn some cash. He doesn't have to do this though, his parents are sending him enough allowance to use every week, but he needs to go somewhere far from Japan, and he knows it will cost him a lot.

And yes, it is in Korea, the country where the love of his life is currently residing.

He is saving some money from his allowance, but he figured out it would take him forever if he would continue depending on it. So he took the initiative to work part-time.

During weekdays, he would work too, but a 3-hour shift only. However, during weekends, he would work the whole day.

Junkyu knew about him working, but he did not say it is for his savings to go to Korea, he just simply reasoned out he needs more cash. His boyfriend was puzzled because the latter knew of course that his parents are sending him enough money every week.

Speaking of his boyfriend, he pouted, how can this boyfriend of his not reply yet. He sent a very long message but he did not receive a single reply.

Is he perhaps angry that I went to sleep without informing him?

That is unlikely to happen though, because he already did it before and Kyu just laughed it off, saying he loves the view of him sleeping like an angel.

"Yoshi, this is for table number 2"

The call of his workmate put him back to his senses, okay let's focus on work Yoshi-ya, let's deal with that lazy koala later.

But, it's already 6 pm and there's no news from his boyfriend, a single reply saying he is busy, or he needs time to focus on his studies, would be enough for Yoshi, it's not like he would want to distract him or anything, he just wants to know if he is fine.

Maybe, maybe, he got tired of me, long-distance relationship sucks, he might have been frustrated because Yoshi called in the middle of the night just to find comfort because he had a bad dream. Maybe-

"Yoshi" his uncle called him, "I am closing the restaurant early today, you can now go home, I'll just send your payment in your bank account, alright?"

Yoshi was baffled, they usually close at 9 pm, especially on weekends, but why close at 6 pm now.

And why is his uncle giving him such a knowing look with a huge grin?

"Thank you uncle, but what's with that smile?"

His uncle laughed, "Why? I always smile like this my dearest nephew"

"Nah, there's really something"

His uncle laughed again, "you're just tired, we're busy all day, you may have been imagining things"

"Maybe" Yoshi sighed, his mind full of worries about Junkyu's whereabouts, he just can't think straight right now.

Love greater than Distance [Yoshi x Junkyu]Where stories live. Discover now