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//song suggestion: NU'EST W (뉴이스트 W) - If You (있다면) ^^

The journey from work to his rented apartment is torture. Yoshi kept on looking at his phone waiting for a reply from his beloved. But there was none.

I hate you Junkyu. I hate you. He kept on muttering in his mind.

This never happened before, because even if Junkyu is busy, he would always find time to inform Yoshi that he needs to finish his assignments and cannot reply for a while.

But, now, all day, ALL DAY, there's no single reply. Not even an emoji! None at all.

He tried contacting some of Junkyu's friends, asking if he is fine, but they said he is. His roommate also said, Junkyu is really doing well and is in his dorm, working on something.

So why did he choose not to reply to anything?

Even a short message would suffice.

He tends to overthink, Junkyu knows that.

He is an overthinker, and he hates himself for being like this.

He wants to cry, what if Junkyu is tired of him? What if Junkyu is tired of their relationship? They live miles away from each other, he couldn't blame him if he could find someone who would make him happy and is beside him, not someone like him that is too far away.

Not someone like him who couldn't help him when he is having a hard time.

I have been so whiny these days, and needy, and, and constantly calls him just because I miss him. He thought.

What if he saw me as a distraction already and regretted having a relationship with me.

But what if, he sent a message to inform me he is busy, but his message did not send and he did not check it.

But what if he really is just tired of me? So he is ignoring me completely now.

But hey, Junkyu's love for him is great, he is confident Junkyu loves him, his boyfriend never failed to demonstrate his love for Yoshi.

"Aish" Yoshi shook his head hard enough to feel his brain shaking. He is going crazy with all these thoughts involuntarily entering his mind.

He winced in pain as he felt the effect of what he just did. and he just grabbed the hem of his shirt trying to relax as he remembered he is still outside.

Why must he doubt Junkyu's love?

Maybe he really is just busy, don't think of any other things Yoshi. Have confidence in Junkyu.

They may be miles away, but he is confident of their love.

But is he really confident?

Yoshi sighed and shook his head, but this time not as hard as before, because he is just about to recover from the pain, "Yoshi loves Junkyu, Kyu loves Yoshi, Yoshi and Junkyu will never get tired of loving each other, no, no, no" Yoshi said to himself while smiling.

After trying to comfort himself, with a heavy heart, he tried opening the door to his apartment.

He can't wait to lie down on his bed and cry his heart out because he tends to overthink and it's suffocating him already.


What do you think is Junkyu's reason for not replying? HMMM? >_<

Love greater than Distance [Yoshi x Junkyu]Where stories live. Discover now